Chapter 18 - Your Bakugou! Cont.

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 The sound of the old childish nickname seems to have struck something with Katsuki because he stands there looking like he's thinking about the meaning of life and why he is in the supermarket with Izuku talking about a deal on cheap Ramen noodles full of starch.

He then sighs, and grabs the cart, pulling it forward while walking backward.

"Then we won't use your shit money, I'll just buy it for you."

Izuku's eyes widen, and he puts his hands up.

"You don't have to do that-"

Katsuki interrupts him.

"Exactly, I don't have to do shit, but I'm still gonna fucking do it cause I do what I want nerd. But,"

Katsuki gives him a determined look, eyes screaming that he won't take no for an answer.

"I'm picking what you're getting, no more of that starch shit."

Izuku gulps and nods, giving up. They continue to walk through the isles, Katsuki putting things in the cart that earn his approval.

The whole time Izuku is silent, again lost in his thoughts. And not the good ones.

Why is it he always has to rely on others? First Mr. B for giving him a place where he feels like he can belong, second the secret person who gives him things that he needs or has been wanting that always either find their way to his living room or school desk, and now his old childhood friend to buy him groceries like he's some little kid still crying for his mom to buy him things.

It's stupid, the thoughts that hes useless are now even more justified, that he can't do anything by himself.

Just a useless quirkless kid. Izuku feels a cold feeling go throughout his body.

He doesn't really know how to explain it other than him feeling like he's cold, but in the inside instead of outside. It's sharp and makes him feel sluggish.

"--Deku? Deku!"

Izuku's head snaps up and he looks at Katsuki, who is holding a package of water bottles with both hands, his arms flexing as he drops it into the cart which shakes from the impact.


Katsuki takes the cart from him by pushing his hands off the plastic part and putting his own hands on it instead.

"Why are you spacing out so much? Damn, i spent this whole fucking trip talking to myself. You do know if i wanted to have a conversation with a wall i would have stayed at your place. Get your head in the game nerd!"

Izuku follows as katsuki pushes the cart back down to where the cashiers are. Izuku's legs feel heavy, like boulders are tied to his feet and it takes all his effort to move.

"Sorry, I'm just thinking."

Katsuki puts the groceries on the conveyer belt and the cashier starts to scan the items.

"Oh, shit really? Well stop it because it looks like it's taking all of your brain power."

Izuku rolls his eyes, not really acknowledging the insult. He hears worse things every day.

He helps put the rest of the stuff on the belt, and Katsuki bags the stuff then goes to the card reader when everything's scanned.

The cashier stares at Katsuki, her expression as if she's trying to place something together. Then it comes to her because her eyes light up and her eyebrows go up.

"Wait! I knew i recognized you from somewhere! Your Bakugou! The model, right? I buy all of your magazines, i didn't know you were from around here oh my god can i please-"

Katsuki pays her no mind and starts grabbing the bags and turns to Izuku.

"Are you gonna just stand there or help me with this shit."

Izuku jumps and starts grabbing bags too.

"Y-Yeah, right sorry Kacchan..."

Katsuki and him walk out, the cashier staring after them until they are out the automatic doors.

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