【59】The Only Path Left✧

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A/N; The Fractured But Whole Game is so unserious and funny like you're gonna read this chapter and be like 'wtf' but it's all canon events in the game, and I think changing it would defeat the purpose of this being the 'Fractured But Whole Arc' Anyway, be prepared to read some weird ass shit that's just canon to the game lmao.

〖Your P.o.v〗

"I guess we're just gonna have to wait here till nighttime," Stan said.

"That sucks," I said.

Right now we were all standing by the gates of Mephesto's Lab. Cartman was up in that lab somewhere, but Mephesto said he doesn't let tour groups in until night time. Now that I think about it, this'll actually be my first time meeting Mephesto. I always wondered what was up on the mountain near the corner of town, but I never imagined it was a whole ass lab.

"How much longer?" Craig asked.

"About 6 hours," Kyle said looking at his phone.

"Man, we don't have that long," Tolkien complained.

"W-W-W-Well, what else can we do?" Jimmy asked.

Suddenly the loudest fart in the world was heard, and the smell was so horrid, I thought I could die. There's only one person who I know is capable of this.

Everyone covered their noses, and suddenly it was nighttime. HOLY FUCK!

"DID YOU JUST FART US FOWARD IN TIME?!" I looked at my brother. In his hands was an empty wrapper.

He nodded.

He must've eaten something really strong for him to bring us forward in time. 

Kyle rang the buzzer again to speak to Mephisto,"Hi we're here for the tour," He had his nose covered with the top of his shirt.

"Ah yes, come in," Mephesto said.

We trudged up the mountain and saw him waiting by the door.

"Some young people interested in genetic engineering! Wonderful! Please come in!" We all filed into the lab one by one.

"My, my, there are a lot of you!"

Once inside we were greeted with a ton of scientists working on animals that had been genetically engineered. Weirdly enough, the only thing I could notice right away was that everything had more than one ass. But what do you gain by giving a creature multiple asses? Is this the kind of research our tax money goes to? 

Mephesto started to go on and on about giving asses to animals and how it'll change the world of science as we know it. I kind of zoned out, not really interested in how ass science is useful. Craig questioned Mephesto about how this is useful, and the rest stayed quiet.

"Hey, are you doing okay?" Clyde asked in a hushed tone.

He was still injured, but he insisted he help anyway. I was a bit worried about him.

"Yeah, I'm just really worried about my parents," I said.

"I'm sure it'll be okay, and if not, I've got your back okay? I know what it's like to lose a parent," He said genuinely.

"Thanks, Clyde, I really appreciate that," I peered up at him with a smile. A light red dusted upon his cheeks, before looking away.

"Well, that's worst-case scenario, I think it'll be okay,"

"Normally I'd think that too, but Cartman can get really crazy..."


I tuned back into the conversation between Mesphesto and Craig,

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