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〖Your P.o.v〗

"(INSERT RINGTONE HERE)!" My phone started to erupt loudly. I picked up the phone, answering sleepily,


"(Y/n)? This is Clyde! I MISSED THE DAMN BUS! Can you come pick me up?!" Clyde panicked through the phone.

"Yeah, sure, I'll see you in 10," I said before hanging up. I let out a stretch and went to go get ready.

The drive over there didn't take long, and I don't know why Clyde was all nervous. I guess if he ended up walking to school he woulda definitely have been late. Dovahkiin sat in the passenger seat since we had missed the bus too. Normally we'd take the bus, but on days when we slept in, we just drove on our own.

"Hey guys," Clyde greeted getting in the back.

"Hey, why'd ya miss the bus?" I asked him, as I started the drive to school.

"I had a horrible nightmare about my mom," He said solemnly.

"Your mom..? Huh, I just realized I never met your mom, does she work far away?" I asked.

"She's dead."

UM OKAY. That went from zero to a hundred real quick. How did I never know his mom was dead? What kind of shitty friend am I?!

"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that Clyde," I said parking in the student parking. He shrugged, and we all got down from the car and started walking to the school. Clyde and I separated from Dovahkiin so he could go to his group, and I could go to mine.

"Morning guys!" Jimmy said happily as we approached the rest of them.

"You missed the bus this morning," Craig remarked to Clyde

"Yeah, so I had to catch a ride with (Y/n)," Clyde said.

"How'd you miss the bus anyway?" Tolkien asked.

Clyde became visibly uncomfortable but started to explain, " I had a nightmare about my mom. She kept blaming me for her death and saying I was disappointing her from heaven. She told me that I needed to man up and be more honest with myself,"

"W-w-w-wow, that's s-s-s-s-some deep shit," Jimmy said.

"Yeah, but, she's right. I'm a coward, and I need to start changing, starting with this" Clyde started to open his backpack, looking for something. He pulled out a box of chocolates and looked over at me.


"(Y/n) will you go on a—"

"(Y/N)!!!!!" Someone yelled my name from across the hall. Turning away from Clyde, I saw Stan standing at the end of the hall with a big bouquet of flowers and a red box of chocolates.

"Oh, dear god," I muttered, not enjoying the attention I was getting. With so many eyes on me, I got a bit anxious.

He started walking down the hall, and people paused to stare at him. He made his way over to me casually ignoring the crowds of people staring at him. He smiled at me, and started to talk,

"Listen (Y/n), thanks for talking to me yesterday. Now that we're on speaking terms I want to—"

"Hey, fuck off Stan, I was gonna ask her first," Clyde said, pushing Stan away from me. Stan looked over at Clyde and saw the heart box of chocolates he had.

"Dude chill, I just wanna talk to her, you can finish whatever you have going on after me," He said.

"No. I want to go first. I was talking to her before you anyway," Clyde glared at him.

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