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〖Third Person P.o.v〗

Craig, Jimmy, and Tolkien met up with (Y/n) and Tweek in front of the movie theatre to hang out. Tweek sent them a quick text to tell them about her current "condition", and how she wasn't on good terms with the others.

After yesterday's events, it would be a while until they would go back to roleplaying "Dungeons and Douchebags"

"Hey there (Y/n), sorry about breaking the lock on your door yesterday," Craig greeted, coming over and ruffling her hair.

"It's fine," She avoided his gaze. He frowned slightly.

"S-S-so y-you guys wanna watch Asses of Fire 2?" Jimmy asked.

"I'm down, what about you guys?" Tolkien inquired.

You and Craig shrugged indifferently, and Tweek gave a quick sure.

"Tickets are on me this time," Tolkien said as they walked to the booth to pay.

In the theatre, the room was filled with laughter. All the kids in town had gone to watch the new Terrance and Phillip movie. Under normal circumstances, (Y/n) would be laughing too, but she just kept a straight face the whole time. The others seemed to enjoy it, letting out laughs and what-not.

By the end of it, people were talking and laughing about their favorite parts. Tweek, Jimmy and Tolkien were talking endlessly about their favorite parts and laughing. Craig talked every now and then, but he kept his eyes locked on (Y/n).

She was spacing out, avoiding contact with everyone, and acting very distant. Craig's gang walked down the streets of South Park, chatting away about the movie. Physically, she was there with them, but mentally, she was in another place.

Eventually, they ended up in the park, and decided to sit down on some benches.

"H-Hey (Y-Y/n), wanna hear a joke?" Jimmy asked with a smile


"S-s-so a man walks in to a clerk shop, a-a-asking for a dozen bees, the clerk takes out the bees and carefully counts out 13 bees,"

"The man says, t-t-t-thats one two many bees!"

"The clerk replies, consider the last one a freebie!"

(Y/n), let out a laugh, small small smile appearing on her face. Tolkien let out a chuckle and hit Jimmy's shoulder playfully, "Dude, lame!"

"W-W-Well, she's smiling, isn't she?!" Jimmy smiled at (Y/n)'s reaction. Craig, and Tweek looked at eachother, both feeling relieved after hearing (Y/n)'s laughter.

Suddenly the good mood was broken, when a familiar voice yelled out,


Stan, Kyle, and Cartman appeared running up to Craig's gang. Immediately, Craig, Tweek, Tolkien, and Jimmy stood in front of her defensively.

"Get lost, losers," Craig said with a glare.

"Dude, get out of the way! We're trying to apologize to (Y/n)!" Kyle started.

"It's too soon g-guys! Agh!, She needs space!" Tweek reasoned putting his hands up to stop them from coming near.

"Oh, shut up Tweek! (Y/n) was part of our group first, it's better to get this over with now," Cartman said.

"(Y/n), we're sorry for what we did! Please, can't you at least talk to us?" Stan shouted.

"Yeah, even though we don't remember what we did," Carrtman added.

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