【18】Clash with the Dragonborn ✦

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✦ = Stick of Truth Parts

〖Butter's P.o.v〗

"Douchebag, I'm stuck! Can you get me in?!" Stan yelled from the outside of the tower.

We scaled most of the Dark Fortress and were pretty near to rescuing Hero-Princess (Y/n). I had accompanied Lord Douchebag this whole time, and he seemed pretty out of it. He was always acting brash in battle and constantly had a cold look on his face. He was definitely in a rush to get his sister back.

We are about to face Craig right now, but he's working on releasing the zombie-nazi cows on us. Lord Douchebag started to shoot his farts at the broken lamp on the second floor to blast the window open for Sir Stan to get in.

I looked around, for anything I could do to help, and saw Craig still trying to release the zombie-nazi-cows.

"I should've started this sooner," He mumbled to himself.

"Hold on, we're getting there, " He continued.

Stan broke in and started to swing his sword at the barricade on the second floor.

"—Douchebag, break open the window on the other side to let Ike in!" With Lord Douche-bag's epic fart powers, he blasted it open with no problem, but Craig was already done opening the cow's cages.

"You're gonna get it Craig! Fucking Traitor!" Stan swung angrily at the barricade.

"Now, let's see how you fair against the Dark Lord's Cheif Assassin and some cows." Craig said blankly as he prepared for battle.

"F-Fellas! We can work this out!" I started.

Before Craig could react, Douchebag started swinging his sword at him. The zombie Nazi's came at me and Douchebag with a stick of tnt.

"Take cover!" I yelled. Douchebag and I leaped out of harm's way just in time, and the cows exploded, their guts flying everywhere.

"It's two against one Craig! Give up!" I yelled.

He smirked and shrugged, "Why fight one Craig, when you can fight five?!" He threw a smoke bomb on the ground and suddenly there was 5 Craigs in front of us. We could tell they were just other kids wearing the same outfit since two of them appeared to be a whole other race.

I quickly used my Professor Chaos Hammer of justice to take out one of the Craigs.

Lord Douchebag swiftly took the rest of them out, and Craig threw down another smoke bomb.

"I'd say shadow clone jutsu, but I could get sued for that!" He remarked as 4 more new Craigs appeared.

"He's too strong!" I remarked as one of the Craigs socked me in the stomach with their sword.

The original Craig jumped onto Douchebag and punched him across the face, "That's for making (Y/n) cry. I'll take better care of her than you" Craig said while glaring.

Douchebag shoved Craig off of him, and punched him in the eye. A black eye immediately started forming, but Craig fired back, also punching him in the eye. Douchebag grit his teeth and glared back at Craig.

One of Craig's Clone's came from behind and kicked Douchebag down to the ground. Quick on his feet, he rolled over and landed back on his feet. He took his sword and slashed the guy across the gut. The Craig clone fell back in defeat. Craig forced Douchebag around and socked him in the face before using his sword jab him. Douchebag stumbled back, but kept his glare locked onto Craig.

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