Part 13

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Owen slept in late the next day. Bryan and Lacy like to keep him on a consistent schedule, but given his slip up from last night, and his injury, they decided he needed the rest.

When he finally woke up, Owen lifted his head and looked around. He put his head back down and stared at the wall of his bassinet.

The door opened and lacy walked in, cooing softly at him.

"Hey baby, how's my little boy today?" She asked, ready to gauge his reaction.

Owen didn't make a sound, just sucked on his pacifier. Lacy scooped him up out of the bassinet and carried him over to the changing table.

The boy didn't fuss as he was changed, just laid still and looked up at his mama. Lacy got him in a clean diaper, leaving to wash her hands. When she returned, she placed Owen in a pastel pink onesie with blocks printed on it, and baby blue cuffs on the sleeves.

"Let's go get a bottle, how's that sound?" Lacy said, picking him up. She carried him down to the living room and set him in his swing, buckling him in.

Daniel and Travis looked over at him, crawling up to the swing.

"You okay, bubby?" Travis asked. Owen just blinked sleepily at him, sucking on his pacifier.

"He's littler than normal." Daniel whispered to Travis. "It's because he's sad from yesterday."

"How can you tell?" Travis asked, surprised at how quickly Daniel picked up on it.

"He's not even making noise. He's always quiet when he's tiniest." Daniel replied.

Travis reached out a hand to clasp owen's, intertwining their fingers.

"I'm here for you, bubby." He said, smiling.

Lacy came back, smiling.

"Look at my boys, getting along so well. Are you the best big brother, Travis?" She cooed.

Travis nodded, smiling still. Lacy smiled and picked up Owen, carrying him to the couch.

"Papa's gonna be down shortly to feed you two" Lacy said, placing Owens bottle in his mouth.

Bryan walked into the living room, picking up Travis.

"Hey tiger, how are you this morning?" He cooed, kissing the top of his head. Travis laid his head on his shoulder, chilling as Bryan made him a bottle.

Once the bottle was made, Bryan carried Travis into the living room and sat next to lacy, popping the bottle in Travis's mouth.

After Lacy had Owen fed and burped, she placed him back in his swing and went to make a bottle and bowl of oatmeal for Daniel.

Travis drank his bottle slowly, enjoying the time he got to spend with his papa.

"Okay bubba, I think you're just about done." Bryan cooed, removing the empty bottle from Travis's mouth. He held him to his shoulder and burped him, rubbing his back. "Papa's gonna put you down, but I'll hold you later." Bryan said, buckling Travis into his swing.

Travis whimpered, reaching his arms out. Bryan popped his pacifier in his mouth and picked up Daniel, sitting him in the high chair.

Lacy moved to sit in front of Travis's swing and smoothed his hair back. "It's okay bubba, papa's just gotta feed Danny. Hell hold you when he's done." She cooed, kissing Travis's forehead.

Finally, after about 10 minutes, Bryan sat Daniel down in the playpen and picked up Travis, holding him close to his shoulder.

"There we go, all happy now, aren't you?" Bryan said, rubbing Travis's back as her snuggled into him. He sat down on the couch, still cradling Travis, and turned on the tv.

"Mail's here. I'll go grab it." Lacy said, leaving the house for a minute to grab the package.

Bryan smiled the three boys. He loved his little family, and he would do anything to protect them.

Lacy returned, pushing a pretty big box.

"It's Travis's bassinet. Wanna put it together?" She said.

"Sure. Let me put Travis down and we'll get it going." Bryan promised. He set Travis down in his swing, carrying the box upstairs while lacy kept watching the boys.

"I know it's different than you're used to, bubba, but sleeping in a bassinet will be good for you. It'll help you get into a younger headspace, which will help you be less of a troublemaker." Lacy cooed, smoothing Travis's hair back.

Travis shut his eyes, enjoying the calming pace that his swing moved. He was ready for a nap, even though it was still early.

"Don't worry, it'll be nap time for you and your brother soon." Lacy said, chuckling. She kissed Travis's forehead, handing him a stuffed tiger.

Bryan returned, smiling, quite proud of himself.

"Bassinet's all set up. It's in our room." He said. He scooped Travis up, and lacy picked up Owen.

"We'll be right back, Danny." Lacy cooed to Daniel, and she and Bryan went upstairs with their boys.


Lacy laid Owen down in his bassinet, kissing his forehead.

"Mama's so happy to have her tiny baby boy back, yes she is." She crooned, smiling at Owen. He sucked on his pacifier sleepily, and lacy turned on his mini mobile and baby monitor.

She left the nursery, turning off the light. She walked down the hall to Travis's nursery, poking her head in.

Bryan was changing Travis into a clean diaper and onesie, and the boy was fussing a bit.

"It's alright, bubba. Papas almost done." Bryan soothed, snapping Travis's onesie shut. He went to wash his hands, and picked Travis up when he returned. He walked to the master bedroom with lacy and set Travis down in his bassinet.

Travis was reluctant at first, but after laying in the bassinet for a minute or two, he snuggled into it.

"It's just like your swing. All snug and secure." Lacy cooed, pinching Travis's cheek. She popped a pacifier in Travis's mouth and headed downstairs.

Bryan smiled at Travis and rubbed soothing circles on his tummy.

"See you in a little while. Get some sleep, tiger." He said, leaving and shutting the door. Travis closed his eyes, falling asleep.


Before dinner, the doorbell rang and Bryan went to answer it.

"Hey Eli, come on in." He said, walking into the living room with elijah. Daniel looked up at him and smiled, waving.

"Hi daddy!" He called, and Elijah picked him up, hugging him tight.

"Were you such a good boy this weekend?" Elijah cooed, kissing his head. Daniel nodded.

"We did have a little slip up the other day, but he was well behaved otherwise." Bryan said. Elijah nodded.

"Thanks again for watching him. I should get him home, I'll see you guys later." Elijah said.

"Bye Eli, take care." Lacy said, waving. She looked over at Bryan and smiled. "I'm gonna go get Owen if you can get Travis." She said.

Bryan nodded, and they went upstairs to the boys nurseries. They were able to get them downstairs quickly, setting them in their swings as they made their bottles.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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