Part 10

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Before he went to bed, Bryan got online and ordered another infant swing, this one for Travis. He didn't know how long he'd keep Travis in a younger headspace, but until the boy behaved, he would be treated how Bryan and Lacy saw fit.

After ordering a bassinet as well, Bryan put away his laptop and pulled out his phone. He texted Elijah to see how he was doing, giving him a quick update on Daniel.

He put his phone away and went to sleep, ready to be more strict if he needed to be.

The next morning, Bryan got up early and went to Travis's nursery. He saw Travis asleep, but Daniel was wide awake.

"Hey kiddo. What headspace are you in?" Bryan asked, picking him up.

"Thwee." Daniel replied. Bryan nodded and sat him on the floor.

"Okay. We can get a pull-up or some big boy pants on you. Which do you want?" Bryan asked.

Daniel put his finger on his chin in thought.

"Pull up." He said. He watched as Bryan got a Spider-Man pull-up out, changing Daniel into it after getting him cleaned up.

Bryan went to wash his hands, then came back to get Travis ready for the day.

"Hey tiger, we need to get up. Let's change your diaper, then we can have breakfast." Bryan cooed, scooping Travis up and carrying him to the changing table.

Daniel flipped through a Thomas the tank engine book to give Travis some privacy as Bryan changed him. He didn't like having attention on him in vulnerable moments, so why would anyone else be any different?

Travis was quiet as Bryan wiped him clean and powdered him, taping him into a clean diaper. It was thick like a nighttime one, and it would make it annoying for Travis to crawl in. Hopefully this would keep Travis in a bit of a dependency.

Bryan washed his hands again and when he returned, he dressed Travis in a pastel blue onesie with mittens attached to the hands.

Travis rolled his eyes but didn't want to argue, so he kept his thoughts to himself.

Bryan picked up Travis and motioned for Daniel to follow him. Daniel raced ahead of him, stopping near the stairs. The grown ups all had a rule that you had to hold their hand when you walk down the stairs, or you might get hurt.

When the three got to the kitchen, they saw lacy already there, making a bottle for Owen. The smallest boy was in his swing, sucking on his pacifier with sleepy eyes as he waited for his bottle. He was wearing a creamsicle orange onesie, with long sleeves and attached mittens just like Travis's.

"What do you want for breakfast, big kid?" He said.

"Cereal please." Daniel said. He sat at the kitchen table and waited. Bryan held Travis as he poured a bowl of cocoa pebbles, bringing them in with a toddler spoon. He sat them in front of Daniel and called for lacy.

"Aunty Lacy's gonna sit with you and keep an eye on you while I take care of the babies." Bryan said. Lacy sat in a chair next to Daniel, and Bryan took the 2 bottles into the living room. He sat Travis in the playpen and picked up Owen, carrying him to the couch.

Travis didn't really mind that he was getting fed last, as he knew Owen would probably fuss more if he was hungry. What he did want to know is how old he would be treated.

When Bryan put Owen back in his swing, he picked Travis up and sat with him on the couch.

"Papa?" He asked shyly. Bryan looked down at him. 

"Yes?" Bryan said.

"How old am I?" Travis asked.

"For now, you'll be 4 months." Bryan said. Travis whimpered. He wasn't even sure what headspace bryan meant for him to be in, and he wasn't sure he wanted to know right now.

Bryan fed travis his bottle, humming gently. Travis drank the milk without a fight. He was tired and it wouldn't help his situation if he was naughty.

When the bottle was empty, Bryan burped him, then put him in the playpen. The other swing wouldn't arrive until later, and the playpen was plenty secure for now.


Around 11:30, Bryan and Lacy were getting the boys down for their morning nap. Owen and Daniel were sleepy, as they were used to napping the same time each day, but Travis wasn't having it.

Bryan paced around his nursery, gently swaying with him and rubbing his back.

"Bubba, you're alright. You're ready for a nap, just calm down." Bryan cooed. He went to the rocking chair and cradled Travis, popping a pacifier in his mouth.

Travis whimpered and sniffled, chest rising and falling more normally now. Bryan shushed him softly, rocking back and forth.

"There there, you're okay. Papa will stay with you a bit longer." Bryan soothed. He watched Travis shut his eyes, rocking for a few more minutes until Travis fell asleep. He stood and laid him down in his crib, turning on his baby monitor and mobile before leaving the room.

Bryan walked into his and Lacy's room, kissing her cheek.

"Poor baby, I could hear him from here. Luckily Owen was asleep, or he would've started crying too. He hates when others are upset." Lacy said. 

"I'm gonna give Elijah a quick call, let him know how Danny's doing." Bryan said. He went downstairs to make the call, and get some coffee.


Daniel woke up a half hour later, groggy and confused. He sat up and looked around the room. Travis was still asleep, pacifier bobbing in his mouth.

The door opened and Bryan walked in, going to the playpen.

"What's up, Danny? Not sleepy?" Bryan asked, leaning over the side and looking down at Daniel.

"Not little." Daniel said behind his pacifier, lifting his arms up. Bryan chuckled and pulled him to his feet, helping him out of the playpen.

"Your bag's in the guest room. You can go change." Bryan told him. Daniel nodded and left the room, paci still in his mouth.

Bryan took this time to check on Travis, who was still asleep. His diaper was wet, so he picked him up and laid him down on the changing table.

Travis didn't stir as Bryan changed him, taping him snuggly into a clean diaper. He shut his onesie and laid him back down in his crib, leaving to was his hands.

He went to the guest room where Daniel had just finished getting dressed. Bryan leaned in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Grown ups don't need their pacis all the time, you know." He said. Daniel looked up at him and shrugged.

"I know. I like it." Daniel replied, giving it another suck. He walked past Bryan and went with him downstairs.

"Okay, no need to get defensive. If you feel yourself regressing later, let me know and I'll get you changed into more appropriate clothes." Bryan said.

Daniel poured himself some coffee, making a sandwich to have with it. He went to eat in the living room and turned on a movie to watch.

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