Part 1

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As Bryan and lacy were cooking dinner that night, they kept an eye on Travis an Owen from their playpen.

"They're good babies. I just hope that Travis will learn to cooperate just like his brother." Lacy said.

"He will. He just needs to get used to his routine." Bryan said. He walked into the living room and looked down at the boys. "How are my boys doing?" He cooed. Owen reached out his arms with a gurgle, and Bryan picked him up.

Travis furrowed his eyebrows. He just didn't understand this. Bryan carried Owen into the kitchen and handed him to lacy.

"I'll finish cooking, you go sit for a bit." He said. Lacy kissed him and went into the living room, sitting on the couch with Owen.

"What's up, Travie? Do you wanna come sit with mama?" She cooed. Travis shook his head, and turned away as much as he could. Lacy smiled. She wanted Travis to warm up to them, but that could take a while.

"Alright Lace, food's done. I'll feed the babies if you wanna eat." Bryan said, walking into the living room with two bottles.

"Thanks babe." Lacy said. She handed Owen to Bryan and went to make herself a plate.

Bryan sat down with Owen, removing the pacifier and replacing it with the bottle. Owen drank instinctively. He made it look so easy to just act like a baby, Travis couldn't get his head around it. He waited for a few minutes, when Bryan finally held Owen up to his shoulder and patted his back. Owen burped, and cooed when Bryan gave him his pacifier back.

"Okay bubba, your turn." Bryan said, putting Owen down. He picked Travis up and sat with him the same way that he sat with Owen.

"Can't I get some real food?" Travis asked. Bryan shook his head.

"You can't eat solids laying down. By tomorrow, you should be able to eat them, but for now, you can have a bottle." Bryan said. Travis pouted.

"I don't want it." He said, glaring at Bryan. Bryan chuckled.

"Look at you, trying to act like a big boy. I'll put your bottle in the fridge, and when you're ready to eat, I'll feed you." Bryan said. He laid Travis back on the blanket and put the bottle in the fridge.

Travis watched as he made himself a plate and sat at the table with lacy. What, so since these two were treating him and Owen as babies, it was okay to not feed them properly? Just looking at Owen, you could tell he was underweight. He was thin and small.

Owen turned to look at Travis again and smiles, cooing at him. Travis wanted to protect him and make sure he wasn't being treated badly. If he could snap him out of his babyish state, maybe they could get away together.

After dinner, Bryan and lacy cleaned up the dishes and put away leftovers. Lacy picked up Owen and looked to Bryan.

"I'm gonna go give Owen a bath, make sure Travis gets his bottle." She said, going upstairs with Owen, baby talking to him.

Bryan grabbed Travis's bottle from the fridge and sat on the couch with him. Finally, with no fight, Travis drank his bottle. It was just as humiliating as earlier, but he was too hungry to fight it.

"There we go. Such a good boy  you're being." Bryan cooed. Travis mentally scoffed and closed his eyes, trying his best to ignore Bryan and just relax.

After he was done, Bryan burped him and carried him up to his nursery. "Okay kiddo, let's get you ready for bed." He cooed. Travis was confused. It must be around 7 o'clock, way too early for bed. Travis still tried to fight, but his body was still numb. He sighed and slumped against Bryan's chest again.

He laid him on the changing table and dressed him in a pair of footie pajamas, picking him back up. He popped a pacifier in his mouth and sat in the rocking chair with Travis tucked in his arms.

Lacy stepped into the doorway and smiled at them. She walked into the room, bouncing Owen in her arms. When they got closer, Travis could see that owen's hair was still damp and he looked very tired.

"Owen wanted to say night night before bed." Lacy said sweetly. Bryan smiled and reached out to smooth back owen's hair.

"Goodnight little one, see you in the morning." Bryan cooed. Lacy held Owen over her shoulder and bent down, kissing Travis on the forehead.

"Nighty night, bubba, sleep tight." She said. She looked at bryan and kissed him. "Don't keep my baby up too late, he needs his sleep." Lacy said.

"I won't, he just needed a little quiet time with his papa." Bryan said, smiling. Lacy left the room, rubbing owen's back.


Lacy laid Owen down I has bassinet after dressing him in pajamas and smiled at him. "Okay little one, you get some sleep, mama will be in her room if you need her." She cooed.

Owen whined when he was put down, but lacy calmed him down. She stood next to him for a few minutes as he slowly fell asleep, and when his breathing evened out, she left the room, turning off the lights.

She walked into hers and Bryan's room, getting her own pajamas on. Bryan looked over at her and sighed.

"Travis wasn't too happy about going to bed. I don't think he'll sleep much tonight, seeing as he took a few naps earlier." Bryan said.

"He just needs to get used to the routine. After a few weeks, he won't be able to stay up any later than his bedtime, and he'll go down for naps on cue." Lacy told him. She sat down with him and they watched some tv, enjoying the quiet.

A few hour later, Travis laid awake in his crib and stared at the ceiling. He wanted to cry but didn't have it in him, he was too tired. He watched his mobile spin, trying to let it entertain him. He could hear Owen just as he started crying. He wanted to go comfort him, but he didn't want to get caught sneaking around.


Bryan walked into owens nursery and went over to the bassinet. He picked Owen up and held him close.

"Hey, what's the matter? Did my little guy have a nightmare?" Bryan cooed gently. Owen kept crying, clinging to Bryan. He could feel the damp material press against his hip and carried Owen to the changing table laying him down.

"It's okay, papa will get you cleaned up." Bryan said. He rolled owen's onesie up to his tummy and undid the diaper taped, pulling it down. He wiped Owen clean and sprinkled baby powder on him. 

Owen starter fidgeting at this point, crying.

"Bubba, you're okay." Bryan cooed. He grabbed owens ankles I  one hand and lifted his legs a bit, removing the old diaper and sliding a new one under him. He pulled it up and taped it in place, putting owens onesie back on.

Bryan picked Owen up again and kissed the top of his he'd, patting his bottom.

"That's my good boy, papas little baby Owen." Bryan cooed. He held Owen for a couple more minutes before he put him back down. "Goodnight, kiddo." He said, leaving the nursery.

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