Part 8

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The doorbell rang a minut later, and Bryan went to answer it.

"Hey Eli, come on in." He said. Travis watched Bryan walk back in with another guy, holding a boy around Travis's own age.

"This must be Travis. Hey buddy, I'm your uncle Elijah." The curly haired boy said, walking in. He sat the other boy down in the playpen with Travis.

"This is Danny." Bryan said, ruffling Travis hair. "Don't worry, E, we've got everything under control. Danny's always good, right kiddo?" 

Daniel nodded.

"Bye bye, bubba. I'll see you in a couple days." Elijah said, smoothing the boy's hair back.

"Bye daddy." 

Elijah left, and Daniel waved at him. Bryan turned to the boys, smiling.

"Why don't you two play and then we'll get some food." 

Travis nodded, and Bryan left the room. He looked over to Daniel, head tilted. "What do you like to do?" He asked.

"Play with toys, color, watch movies." Daniel said. "How old are you in your headspace?"

Travis shrugged. "No clue, but they treat me young. I'm more like a toddler now. I wanted to get out of diapers."

"I get it. I'm older sometimes too, but it usually depends on how I feel."

Lacy walked into the room, carrying Owen. "Hi Danny, are you excited to see your friends?" She asked.

"Yeah." Daniel said, smiling. Lacy smiled and went into the kitchen to help Bryan.

"Owen's really little. As long as they don't treat you as little as him, you're fine." He told Travis. The two sat quietly for a bit, stacking blocks, when Bryan came back to get them.

"Let's go get you fed, mama and I made pasta. I think there's some pudding too, if you eat nicely." He said, picking up Travis first, then Daniel. He sat them down in two high chairs, setting a bowl on the trays.

Lacy went back to the living room to feed Owen his bottle.

"I'm gonna let you feed yourself, kiddo." Bryan said to Travis. "You too, Danny. I trust you."

Everything went well with lunch, and Bryan got sippy cups of apple juice for the older babies. After they had their pudding and drank their juice, Bryan took his time cleaning up the kitchen. He took Daniel out of his high chair and sat him in the playpen, then walked back into the kitchen to get Travis.

Travis needed to use the bathroom, so he let Bryan know.

"Papa, I gotta go." He said quietly as he was picked up.

"Okay, just a minute." Bryan said, carrying Travis to the upstairs bathroom. Just as they got there, Travis felt his bladder leak. He tried holding it, but it was too late. He wet his pull up, still held by Bryan's hip.

"Looks like you're not quite ready for pull-ups, little one." Bryan said, pouting at Travis. He carried the boy back to his nursery and laid him down on the changing table.

Travis cried as he was cleaned up, powder dusted on him as Bryan taped a thick diaper around his waist. This wasn't fair. Bryan was being slow on purpose so that he could treat him like a baby.

Bryan went to wash his hands and picked Travis up, carrying him downstairs. Lacy looked over at them and cooed.

"What's the matter, bubba?" She asked, seeing how upset her baby was.

"He wet himself, that's all." Bryan replied, popping Travis's paci back in his mouth. He kissed the top of his head and sat him in the playpen with Daniel.

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