Part 11

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Bryan and Lacy brought Owen and Travis downstairs at 12:30. They needed to eat, and it was important for them to have time out of bed.

Travis saw Daniel and felt sad. The other boy had so much freedom with his headspace, seeming to get a choice in whether he was out of his little headspace. He wasn't trying to be jealous, but he didn't get the same choice, and it was upsetting.

"Don't cry, Travis." Daniel said, seeing the boy's gloomy face. Bryan looked down at Travis and kissed the top of his head.

"He still needs time to get used to his headspace. I think he'll be okay." He said, making a bottle for Travis. He kissed the top of his head as he brought everything to the living room, cradling Travis.

The boy cooperated and drank the warm milk, soothed by it. He was cozy in his papa's arms too, so he would be good.

After Bryan had Travis burped, he laid him down on the floor on his stomach.

"You're gonna do tummy time for a bit, bubba. Uncle Danny's gonna watch you for a few minutes." Bryan said, leaving the room.

Daniel sat in the floor across from travis, rubbing his back gently. He grabbed his pacifier and popped it in the boys mouth.

Travis looked around for Bryan. Where was he?

Just as Travis was finishing up tummy time, Bryan came back into the room, smiling. He scoope Travis up and sat on the couch with him.

Daniel stood and moved over to the couch, sitting next to Bryan.

"You still big?" Bryan asked him.

Daniel nodded slowly. Really, he was beginning to slip back into a younger headspace, but he wanted to stay big for a while longer.

Bryan raised his eye brown but said nothing.

As the two watched a movie, Daniel found it harder to stay in an older headspace. He began to shift in his seat, trying to find a more comfortable position, when he felt the need to pee. He stood slowly, trying to prevent an accident.

"I'll be back." He mumbled, leaving the room quickly. He hustled to the downstairs bathroom, shutting the door.

Bryan sat Travis down in the playpen and walked over to the bathroom, knocking on the door.

"Danny? You okay?" He asked, pushing the door open.

Inside the bathroom, Bryan could see Daniel sitting on the floor, crying. He wet himself. Bryan cooed and scooped him up, carrying him out the door.

"Lacy, please come downstairs!" He called.

Lacy came downstairs right away with Owen, looking at the other.

"Please keep an eye on Travis, I need to get Danny cleaned up." Bryan said, going upstairs.


After a quick bath, Daniel began to calm down. He still felt bad for what happened, but he didn't know he'd regress so quickly.

Bryan dried Daniel off and carried him into Travis's nursery, laying him down on the changing  table.

"Danny, why didn't you tell me you were feeling little? I could have gotten you into a diaper, and this whole mess could've been avoided." Bryan tutted.

Daniel sniffled as he was powdered and a clean diaper was taped around his waist. He went to wash his hands, and when he came back, he put a onesie on Daniel. He picked him up and sat him in the playpen.

"Since you were naughty and didn't tell the truth, you'll sit up here for a while as I clean." Bryan said. He left the room, and Daniel looked down sadly. He wanted his paci.

When Bryan came back, he picked Daniel up and sat in the rocking chair with him.

"What did you do wrong, Danny?" Bryan asked softly.

"Didn't tell you I was getting little." Daniel sniffed.

"And you know now you have to let someone know so that we can avoid accidents?" Bryan added. Daniel nodded.

Bryan popped daniels pacifier in his mouth, and the boy sucked on it gratefully.

"You'll be pretty little for the rest of the day, bubba. I think 8 months sounds fair. You can eat solids and crawl, but on more pull-ups." Bryan said.

Daniel nodded softly. He didn't mind being a little baby. He knew he broke the rules, and he would be under more careful watch, which was fair.

"Now, let's go get a snack for you. You didn't eat much of your food." Bryan said, carrying Daniel downstairs.

Lacy was in the living room with Travis and Owen, singing nursery rhymes. She turned to see Danny and smiled sadly.

"I heard you had a little accident, bubba." She cooed, and Daniel hid his face in Bryan's shoulder. Bryan sat Daniel in the high chair, making him a bowl of oatmeal.

Daniel ate cooperatively, not wanting Bryan to be more upset with him. The doorbell rang, and lacy went to answer it.

After signing for the package, lacy came back in dragging a big box.

"I think your swing is here, bubba. Want mama to put it together for you?" Lacy cooed to Travis.

Daniel watched Travis's face drop, and he whined behind his pacifier. He clearly didn't want to be tiny, but Bryan and lacy were insisting on it.

As Daniel finished his food, lacy set up Travis's swing, having it ready in a few minutes. Bryan made Daniel a bottle and carried him into the living room, sitting on the couch.

"Bryan, wanna put travie in his swing?" Lacy said.

"Sure." Bryan said. He sat Daniel in the playpen, putting his bottle on the coffee table.

Travis shook his head, but Bryan picked him up anyway.

"Come on, kiddo, it's fun. Your brother likes it." Bryan persuades. He laid Travis down and buckled him in, only for the boy to cry and kick.

"It's okay, baby, it's supposed to be fun." Lacy cooed, moving to sit by Travis. She kissed his forehead and smoothed his hair back. Still, Travis cried. He wanted out!

With no other clue what to do, Bryan scooped Travis up and held him tightly in his arms, rubbing his back.

Travis began to calm down, laying his head on Bryan's shoulder. Bryan kissed the top of his head and smiled.

"Can you try it out for just a few minutes? It really is cozy." Bryan said. Travis nodded, and Bryan buckled him into the swing, setting it to rock.

Travis was pleasantly surprised. It was comfortable, and the gently swinging was very soothing.

Bryan picked Daniel back up and fed Daniel his bottle. Daniel liked spending time at his uncle's house, but he couldn't wait to get back to his daddy. Everything at daddy's house made sense, and aside from grumpy days, no one was sad there.

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