Part 6

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Emily didn't wake up until the next morning. When she did wake up, she saw Seth looking down at her, leaning over the bars of her crib.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." He coped softly, scooping her into his arms. He carried her over to the changing table and laid her down, removing her onesie.

Emily began to fuss as he changed her, but knew it was useless. Seth cooed at her to calm her down as he wiped her clean and sprinkled baby powered on her  and taped a new diaper onto her. He left the nursery to wash his hands.

Emily looked around and sat up, looking down at herself. She couldn't stand how bulky diapers were, and how crinkly they were too.

Seth walked back in and smiled at her. "Are you such a big girl? Look at you sitting up on your own, my little Emi." Seth cooed. He picked her up and kissed her cheek. Seth threw Emily's old onesie in the hamper and went to the dresser to find some clean clothes.

"What do you think, baby? Wanna wear overalls or a dress?" Seth asked.

Emily looked at her options and pointed to a pair of yellow overalls, in the same onesie cut at the bottom. They were cotton and very comfy.

Seth picked out a light green baby tee and some white socks, sitting Emily down on the changing table. He placed the shirt on her and then the overalls, laying her back down as he pulled the bottom over her diaper and snapped it shut.

Emily giggled a bit as Seth made silly noises to entertain her, and the socks were easily put on her feet.

Seth stood still for a minute before tickling her tummy, and Emily laughed a lot, losing her pacifier.

"Uh oh, did daddy make your paci go bye bye? Silly me." Seth cooed. He went to the jar of pacifiers and pulled out a yellow one with a butterfly on it, popping it in Emily's mouth. He picked her up and kissed her forehead, carrying her to the kitchen.

Emily didn't know what came over her, but she was actually enjoying herself. She usually wanted Seth to leave her alone, but she liked having his company today.

Seth sat Emily down in her high chair and went to make her a bottle and a bowl of oatmeal.

"Want some strawberries, emi?" He asked her. Emily nodded, and Seth went to prepare some. He cut the tops off and rinsed them, cutting them in half and putting them in a little baby bowl.

"There you go, baby girl." He cooed and set the bowl on the tray. Emily set her pacifier aside and began eating the fruit.

Seth finished making the oatmeal and brought it over to the high chair, setting it on the tray. He waited for Emily to finish her strawberry.

"Do you want to feed yourself baby?" He asked. The girl nodded eagerly and took the baby spoon out of his hand. She ate the oatmeal as Seth put the other bowl in the sink and washed it out.

After finishing her food, Emily popped the bottle in her mouth. Seth finished washing the dishes and went over to her chair, unbuckling Emily and picking her up. He carried her to the living room and sat her in her playpen.

"Alright kiddo, daddy's gonna clean up a little bit. You just stay here and play." Seth said. He kissed the top of Emily's head and left the room.

Emily laid on her back to finish her bottle. Usually, she would take this as a chance to try and escape, but today was good. She was actually kind of happy being there.

When her bottle was empty, she put in aside. Her pacifier was still on her tray in the kitchen.

"Daddy?" She called, and Seth walked over to her.

"What your paci, sweetie?" He asked. Emily nodded, and Seth went to get it for her. He returned and popped it in her mouth.

"Fank you." She lisped around it.

Seth left again and Emily shut her eyes, falling asleep.

When Emily woke up from her short nap, she looked around the living room. Seth was sitting on the couch, watching tv. He looked over at Emily and smiled.

"Are you awake, baby girl? Why don't we get you something to play with." Seth said. He went over to the toy box and pulled out a wooden puzzle cube with different shapes cut out of it. He put it in the playpen and sat Emily up.

"Here baby, match up the shapes." Seth cooed, showing her one of the round cut blocks. He put it in her hand and she put it in the round hole. Seth smiled and went back to the couch.

Emily put the blocks in the holes for a while, emptying the box when it was full and starting over. Soon enough, she felt cramps in her tummy. She whined, holding her stomach.

"What's the matter, Emi?" Seth asked, looking over.

Emily hunched forward and hid her head by her knees, trying to hold it in. It was hard, and after a couple minutes, Emily messed her diaper. She became to cry, tears running down her face. Seth got up and walked over, placing his hands under her armpits, scooped her up.

"Aww, did my baby mess herself? Let's go get your diaper changed, sweetie." Seth cooed.

Emily whined as he carried her upstairs, still weeping.

Seth laid her down on the changing table and removed her overalls, untaping and opening her diaper. He grabbed a baby wipe and wiped Emily's front clean, then lifted her ankles to wipe her bottom.

Seth gently shushed Emily as he powdered her and taped a clean diaper onto her. He left to wash his hands, and when he came back he put Emily back in her overalls. He picked her up and held her close, rocking her.

"Shh, you're alright baby. You're all clean." Seth soothed. He sat in the rocking chair with Emily, rocking and rubbing her back.

Soon, Emily stopped crying and laid against Seth's chest. She placed her thumb in her mouth, sucking on it.

"Daddy will get you another paci. I need to get your other ones washed up soon." He said, carrying Emily over to grab another pacifier. 

Emily cooed gratefully when it was popped in her mouth. She laid her head on Seth's shoulder, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Seth carried her back downstairs and sat emily back down in her playpen, turning on little Einstein.

"Daddy's going to make lunch. Sit here for a bit, baby." He said, kissing the top of her head and going into the kitchen.

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