Owen's First Day

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*set two years ago*

Owen opened his eyes again. He didn't know what those people from last night wanted with him, but he was scared. He tried to stretch, but his body was too weak to move. He whimpered, clenching his hand into a fist.

The door opened again, and the woman walked in.

"Hi angel, how are you this morning?" She cooed, picking Owen up. She patted his bottom, and he turned red. "Still haven't used this? You need to eventually, baby. Mama and papa don't want to force you." She said. She carried Owen down to the kitchen, where the man was.

"Bryan, can you make a bottle for Owen? He's far too little for solids." Lacy said, kissing Bryan on the cheek.

"Yeah. I figured he's pretty young. Just look how little he is." Bryan cooed.

Owen frowned. He was pretty short, and thin, but he didn't care for people pointing it out. He already knew he was small.

Lacy went into the living room and sat down on the couch. Owen looked around and saw a lot of baby furniture, sized just for him if he had to guess.

"Baby? What's the matter, you're shaking?" Lacy cooed, holding Owen close. He sucked on his pacifier, trying to calm himself.

Bryan walked in and handed lacy the bottle. She repositioned Owen and held him in her arm, removing his pacifier. She put the bottle in its place, and waited. Owen did nothing.

"Come on, eat up." Lacy cooed. Owen didn't budge. After another few minutes, lacy set the still full bottle down on the table and popped the pacifier back in owens mouth. 

"We can try again in a bit. Why don't we set him in his bouncer?" Bryan said. Lacy stood and carried Owen over to the small rocker.  She laid Owen down in it and buckled him in, smiling.

"Hang out here like a good baby, we can try to eat again in a while." Lacy cooed.

Owen watched them go back to the couch and closed his eyes. He drifted off for a while, comforted by the slow rocking motion.

Owen woke up very hungry. He couldn't remember when he last ate, and his stomach felt empty. He tried to lift his head up, but it felt heavy.

Bryan walked by and crouched down in front of him.

"Look who's awake? How's my little one?" He cooed. Owen turned away from him, whimpering. Bryan undid the buckle and picked Owen up, cradling him.

"That medicine must've been too much for him. He still looks out of it." Lacy said, concerned. Bryan sat on the couch next to her.

"It's not the medicine, he exhausted because he's hungry. Maybe if he's drank his bottle earlier, he'd feel better." Bryan said, glancing at Owen.

"Babies can be stubborn. It can be scary on your first night in a new place." Lacy said gently. She reached out to take Owen, and Bryan passed him into her arms.

"Mama will feed you, baby boy." She cooed. She grabbed to bottle from the fridge and warmed it up,  carrying Owen up to the nursery. She sat in the rocking chair and switched out his pacifier for the bottle.

This time, Owen drank it. He was worried that there was something in it, but there wasn't.

Lacy hummed as she fed him, smiling sweetly.

Though he had just woken up, Owen was ready to fall asleep again. He closed his eyes, drinking the rest of the bottle. She burped him, then popped the pacifier back in his mouth. 

When Owen fell asleep, lacy laid him down in his bassinet, turning on his mobile and baby monitor. After checking his diaper again, finding it dry, she left the room.


Lacy got back downstairs and sat on the couch next to Bryan. "He still hasn't used his diaper. I'm getting worried." She said. Bryan put his arm around her shoulders and kissed her.

"He will soon, don't worry. He just had a full bottle." Bryan said. He wasn't really worried at all.

A few minutes later, the baby monitor crackled, and they could hear Owen. Lacy stood up and ran upstairs.


Owen groaned slightly as he woke up, in need of the bathroom. He slowly sat up, much less weak now. He looked over as the door opened and lacy walked in.

"What's up, bubba?" She cooed, going over to the bassinet. She placed her hand gently on owen's stomach, and he winced. "Does someone need to go potty?" She asked.

"C-can I please use the-" Owen started, but lacy softly shushed him.

"No more words, baby. I know you're scared, but you need to use your diaper." Lacy soothed. Owen grumbled. He was getting desperate!

He could try to jump out of the bassinet and run to find a bathroom, but he didn't know where one was, and he wouldn't want to get caught.

Owen thought for a minute before feeling more pressure. He wasn't gonna piss himself like a baby. He just needed to-

Lacy pressed a little more firmly on owen's abdomen, finally making him lose control. He cried out in shock as he filled his diaper with pee. He couldn't believe what just happened.

"Ooh, there you go, little one. Mamas sorry she had to do that, but you can't hold it forever." Lacy said. She waited until Owen was done before opening his onesie and revealing his soggy diaper.

Owen cried from embarrassment and fear. He hated every minute of this, and even though lacy was gentle as she removed the old diaper and cleaned Owen with baby wipes, this was awful.

Finally, lacy sprinkled Owen with baby powder and slid a new diaper beneath him, pulling it up and taping it shut.

"Such a good boy. The first change is hard, but it will get better.." Lacy crooned, dressing owen in a new onesie. She knew that messy diapers would be harder for Owen to handle, since he was so upset with wetting one, but it wouldn't take long for him to use his diapers without knowing.

The door opened again, and Bryan walked in. He stood next to lacy and smiled at Owen, tickling his tummy.

"Was that tough, little one? I bet you feel better now. Come ere." Bryan said, picking Owen up. He held him close, with one arm under him, and the other supporting his back, cradling the back of his head with his hand.

Owen relaxed for a moment, feeling safe, when he was jabbed in the arm with a needle. He whimpered, and felt his limbs go heavy. Bryan shushed him and gently swayed with him.

"It's okay, that's just to help you keep behaving. Tiny babies can't move around for themselves." Bryan soothed. He laid Owen back down in his bassinet and popped his pacifier back in his mouth.

Owen didn't want to go back to sleep. He just looked up at Bryan and lacy, sucking his pacifier. Surely they didn't expect him to be tired?

"Go back to sleep, bubba, and we'll get you a bottle in a little bit." Lacy said, smoothing owen's hair out.

He still stared at his captors. Bryan looked at lacy and scooped Owen back up. "Papa will stay with you for a bit." He said, sitting in the rocking chair. Lacy kissed Bryan's cheek and owen's forehead, leaving the nursery.

Owen cried quietly. He just wanted to go home.

"There there, baby boy, papa's here." Bryan cooed, rubbing owen's back. Once Owen fell asleep, Bryan laid him in his bassinet and shut off the lights, leaving the room. 

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