Owen's first day part 2

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Owen woke up a couple hours later, stomach rumbling. He tried sitting up, but he still felt weak from the shot.

The nursery door opened and Lacy walked in, picking him up. "Ready for dinner, bubba?" She cooed, bouncing him gently. Owen nodded.

Lacy carried Owen down to the kitchen where a warm bottle was already waiting. Owen whined at the sight of it.

"What's the matter? Don't want a bottle?" Lacy asked. Owen nodded again, hugging Lacy's neck.

"Why don't we give him some oatmeal or yogurt? That should be manageable for him." Bryan said, looking at Owen.

"I guess so. Want some big boy food, baby?" Lacy cooed. Owen shook his head no. He didn't want to eat anymore.

Lacy sat him in the high chair, making a bowl of oatmeal. Owen watched as she brought the food back over, dreading it. He didn't want to eat.

"Alright, open up." She said, holding a spoonful up for Owen. He turned his head away, keeping his mouth closed tight. "Come on, baby, mama wants you to eat." Lacy said.

Still, Owen refused. Lacy stepped to the side, and Bryan took her place.

"If you're not gonna listen to mama, you will listen to me. It's time to eat." He said, scooping up some of the food. Owen shook his head, turning away from Bryan. He reached out for lacy, crying.

"Oh, come here baby." She crooned. She picked Owen up and held her close, rubbing his back. "It's okay, sweetheart. Mamas got you." She soothed. "He's not ready to eat. We can feed him later." Lacy said to Bryan. She carried him into the living room, sitting on the couch and cradling Owen.


The next morning came too quickly. Owen woke up in his bassinet and realized it was really quiet. He was able to sit up a little bit, but still felt tired, so he laid back down.

Bryan walked in a couple minutes later and picked Owen up. "Hey, kiddo. Are you ready to eat?" He asked. He carried Owen downstairs and sat him in the high chair.

Owen realized that lacy wasn't around. Like Bryan read his mind, he answered him.

"Mama had to run some errands, so it's just you and me for the morning." Bryan said. He made a bowl of oatmeal and carried it over to the high chair. He fed Owen and put the empty bowl in the sink when he was done.

Owen watched as Bryan made a bottle and went to pick him back up and carried him into the living room. He sat on the couch and cradled Owen, placing the bottle in his mouth. The small boy slowly drank, feeling calm.

When the bottle was empty, Bryan held Owen up to his shoulder and burped him. He carried him over to his rocker, laying him down and buckling him up. Bryan went to sit back on the couch and turned on the tv, looking for a good show to watch.

Owen sat calmly in the rocker for a while until he got the strong urge to use the bathroom. He fought with himself to hold it, fidgeting uncomfortably. Bryan looked over at him and noticed his odd behavior.

"What's the matter, bubba?" He cooed, walking over. He popped a clean pacifier in his mouth, and Owen calmed a little, but still fussed.

Bryan lifted him out of the rocker and held him in his lap. Owen whined, kicking out.

"Alright, settle down. Papa just wants to know what's wrong." Bryan said. He patted Owen's bottom and it hit him what was wrong. "You need to use your diaper, kiddo." He said.

Owen struggled as Bryan laid him down on the floor, gently pressing his abdomen. After a few tries, owen's bladder gave out and he wet his diaper. He began to cry, upset. 

Just as Bryan made to pick him up, he felt a rumble in his tummy and realized what was about to happen. He tried to get down, but Bryan held him tightly. After another minute of struggling, Owen messed his diaper. It was humiliating.

"Come on, kiddo, let's go change your diaper." Bryan said, carrying Owen up to the nursery. He laid him on the changing table, unbuttoning his onesie and rolling it up to his tummy. He removed the dirty diaper and grabbed some baby wipes, cleaning up Owen. He held his ankles in one hand and lifted his legs up to wipe his bottom.

Owen's face was red, and he was exhausted. Bryan finally rubbed some baby ointment onto him and sprinkled baby powder, setting him down on a clean diaper. He pulled it up between owens legs and taped it shut, rolling his onesie down and fastening it.

"Papa will be right back." Bryan cooed, leaving to wash his hands.

Owen looked sleepily around the room. He wanted a hug from his mama.

When Bryan came back, he picked Owen up and held him close. "There there, little one, you're okay. Papa's here." Bryan soothed, rubbing his back. Owen laid his head down on Bryan's shoulder, sniffling.

Bryan carried him back downstairs and sat on the couch, cradling him. "You can sit with papa until mama comes back. I know that was hard for you." Bryan said. Owen shut his eyes, leaning his head in to Bryan's chest.

Bryan popped a clean pacifier in his mouth, as Owen had dropped the other one.


Lacy walked into the house to find Bryan holding Owen, who was asleep. She smiled and walked over to them, taking Owen into her arms.

"I'm gonna put him in his room for a bit. How was he?" She asked.

"He was a little fussy, but good otherwise." Bryan said. Lacy went upstairs and walked into owen's nursery, putting him in his bassinet. She turned on the mobile and baby monitor and went back downstairs to sit with Bryan.

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