Part 2

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The next morning came soon for Travis. He didn't sleep last night and was regretting it now, he was so tired. Bryan walked into the nursery and smiled at him.

"Morning tiger. Did my little boy have a good sleep?" Bryan cooed. Travis scowled: he wanted to slap that look off Bryan's face. He wasn't a baby, he didn't need to be treated like one.

As Travis was scooped out of the crib, he laid his head on Bryan's shoulder.

"I think that answers that. It's hard to sleep on your first night, huh bubba?" Bryan said. He quickly checked Travis's diaper, which made the boy grumpy. He tried to hit Bryan's hands away, and got a stern look from him.

"Don't hit papa, Travis. You're clean anyway, so there's no need to be angry with me. Let's go get you some food, and then you can play with your brother." Bryan said. He picked Travis up and carried him to the kitchen.

Lacy was down there already, singing quietly as she rocked Owen in her arms. He smiled at her from around his pacifier, putting his head on her shoulder.

"Did he eat yet?" Bryan asked, giving lacy a soft kiss.

"Not yet, but I'll feed him now." Lacy said. She grabbed a bottle and carried it to the couch, cradling Owen in her arms.

"Does he ever get to eat real food?" Travis asked in a concerned voice. Bryan just smiled at him as he sat him in his high chair.

"He eats them sometimes. Don't worry, mama and I wouldn't let him go hungry." Bryan said, making a bowl of oatmeal. He carried it over to the tray and set it down. Travis looked at it carefully.

Instead of being bland like he thought it would be, it was apple cinnamon, his favorite flavor. He didn't even complain that Bryan insisted on spoon feeding him, and just behaved as he ate.

"Good job, kiddo." Bryan smiled.

After the food was gone, Bryan put the bowl in the sink and made a bottle for Travis. He picked him up and carried him into the living room, sitting next to lacy.

"I forgot to tell you, but Seth is coming over with Emily this afternoon. I think Daniel might be coming too, but he didn't tell me for sure." Lacy said.

"Sounds good. I think the babies will get along well." Bryan said, popping the bottle in Travis's mouth. He froze for a minute, but then started to drink the milk. It was pretty satisfying, for a plain glass of milk. Maybe it had a hint of vanilla?

Just around lunchtime, the door opened and a man walked in, carrying a girl around Travis's age. She was dressed in a white long sleeve shirt and pink overalls, cut the same was a onesie was at the bottom.

The girl was sucking on a pink pacifier and had her hair in pigtails. She clung to the man, looking shy.

"Hey Seth, hey Emi." Lacy said, greeting them. She smiled at Emily and gently held her cheek.

"Hey, thanks for having us over." Seth said, bouncing Emily gently in his arms. He followed lacy to the living room and sat Emily down on the rug. "Okay baby, you play with the boys while I talk with auntie lacy and uncle Bryan." Seth said.

Travis looked at Emily, seeing she looked sad. He crawled over to her and sat next to her.

"Hi, I'm Travis." He said quietly, not wanting the 'parents' to hear. He waited for a reply, but Emily didn't say anything. She nodded to show that she heard him, but just sucked on the soother for comfort.

Travis started stacking blocks, sneakily sliding some over to Emily, hoping she might get more comfortable.

From the kitchen, Bryan Seth and Lacy talked about Travis and Emily.

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