Part 3

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Bryan sat in the living room with lacy and Seth, annoyed. He didn't want to scare the babies, so he kept himself calm.

"He's just scared, Bryan, it'll be a while before he's comfortable." Lacy said. She held Owen close to her and kissed the top of his head. "I'm gonna put Owen down for his nap. Seth, you can put emi down too if she's ready for a nap. I'll set up the playpen in owen's nursery." Lacy said.

"That's a good idea. Come on, pumpkin, let's get ready for night night." Seth cooed, following kacy up to the nursery.


Travis opened his eyes and looked around. It was dark in his room. He tried to sit up but he was too weak. He heard the door open and watched Lacy come into views.

"Hey bubba, are you feeling better? All that excitement must have knocked you right out." Lacy cooed, smoothing Travis's hair back. He whimpered, sucking his oacifier. "I'll let you go back to sleep. Don't worry, I won't tell papa you're up." She said, walking back out of the nursery.

Travis shut his eyes again and fell back to sleep, hoping that Bryan wouldn't be too mad.

Another hour later, Travis opened his eyes to see Bryan standing over his crib. "I see you're awake. It seems my little troublemaker needs his diaper changed. Maybe we should also give you a quick bath." Bryan said. He scooped Travis out of the crib and carried him to the bathroom.

Travis was laid down on the bath mat and Bryan removed his onesie and wet diaper, throwing it in the bin. He wiped Travis with a baby wipe before picking him up and setting him in the bath, filling it with warm water and bubble bath.

Bryan quietly washed Travis's hair and body, rinsing the soap and shampoo off. He drained the water and rinsed Travis off a last time before grabbing a towel. He stood him up and wrapped him in the towel, picking him up.

He carried him to his nursery and laid him on the changing table, dusting him with baby powder and taping a new diaper onto him.

"There we go, all clean." He cooed, placing Travis in a light teal onesie. He picked him up and put him back in his crib. Travis furrowed his eyebrows. He just took a nap, why was he in his crib? "You need to stay in there, kiddo. I'll get you in a little bit for a bottle." Bryan said, leaving the nursery.


Seth finally pulled into his driveway and parked the car. He looked back at Emily sleeping in her car seat and smiled. He got out and picked her up, carrying her into the house.

Emily stirred in his arms, mumbling.

"Hey pumpkin, did my baby girl go potty?" He cooed.

"No." Emily said, trying to get out of his hold. Seth held her still and pressed a hand on the back of her diaper. He clucked his tongue at her and carried up to her nursery.

"If you don't know when you use your diaper, you're gonna need regular diaper checks, Emi. Daddy's not letting you get a rash." Seth cooed, laying her on the changing table.

She started crying, trying to fight Seth. He just held her legs together and rubbed her tummy for a minute to calm her down. He popped a pacifier in her mouth and got to work, unrolling her onesie and disposing of the used diaper, throwing it out.

Emily still fussed as Seth changed her, but she couldn't move very well. He wiped her bottom clean and sprinkled her with baby powder, grabbing a new diaper. He slid it under her and lowered her legs, pulling the front up and taping it closed.

"There we go, baby girl." He cooed, putting her onesie back on. He washed his hands and picked her up, carrying her downstairs. He laid her on a baby blanket and smiled at her, handing her a rattle. "You play here while I make dinner." He said, going to the kitchen.

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