Part 4

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Travis felt a little better next morning. He was still upset from last night, but he could put on a brave face until he could escape.

Bryan walked into the nursery and smiled at him, looking over the crib bars.

"Hey, bubba. Who's ready for the day?" He cooed. Travis  couldn't help but smile. Bryan seemed so happy to see him.

He scooped him out of the crib and laid him on the changing table, cleaning him up and placing him in a new one.

"Let's go get you some food." Bryan said, dressing Travis in a clean onesie and carrying him down to the kitchen. He sat him in the high chair and went to wash his hands. Travis looked into the living room, hoping that lacy and Owen were downstairs already, but they weren't.

"Mama and your brother will be down shortly. Owen gets a bit fussy in  the morning." Bryan said, noticing the look on Travis. He brought over a bowl of yogurt and applesauce , putting it on the tray. He scooped a bite onto the plastic baby spoon and held it up.

Travis opened his mouth, but didn't care for the food. The texture was too mushy for his taste. Bryan saw him pout and chuckled.

"Not good? How about some oatmeal?" Bryan sais. Travis nodded.

While Bryan fixed the food, lacy finally came down with Owen cradled in her arms. Travis smiled and waved, making lacy coo.

"Is that your brother, Owie? Can you say hi?" She said.

Owen just whimpered and buried his face into Lacy's shoulder, and lacy rubbed his back.

Travis frowned. Lacy walked over and kissed the top of his head.

"Don't be upset, bubba. Owen's just being grumpy. Hell feel better after breakfast, I promise." Lacy said. She grabbed a bottle for Owen and filled it with milk, warming it up.

Bryan came back over and set the bowl down on the tray, picking up the spoon. He fed Travis the first bite, and he ate without a fuss.

"Good job, tiger." Bryan said, smiling. He finished feeding Travis and put the empty bowl in the sink, rinsing it out.

Travis watched as he mad a bottle, and then looked into the living room where lacy and Owen were. He pointed into the living room as Bryan picked him up.

"Does someone wanna sit next to mama?" He cooed. Travis nodded. Bryan walked into the living room and sat next to lacy, holding Travis in one arm, posed so that he was facing Owen.

As Travis drank the milk, he realized that he didn't really know anything about Owen, other than the fact that he was always regressed. He wondered if he could talk with him one on one, would he tell his story?

"Easy there, kiddo, you're just gulping air." Bryan said suddenly, snapping Travis out of his trance. He looked around to see lacy smiling, holding back a laugh.

Travis's heart jumped very briefly, and he started crying. He didn't like to be startled!

Bryan just lifted him to his shoulder, patting his back. "You're alright, papa's here." He soothed, holding Travis close.

As the nerves in his tummy went away, Travis calmed down, laying his head on Bryan's shoulder. He was so comfy, he almost drifted off to sleep. Bryan smoothed his hair out and stuck a paci in his mouth.

"I think someone needs a nap, poor baby looks exhausted." Lacy said, seeing Travis eyes droop.

"I think you're right. I'll take him upstairs, get him tucked in for a bit." Bryan said. He stood up, and just as he was leaving the room, Travis could hear Owen start to cry.

Bryan walked into the nursery and laid Travis in his crib, turning on his mobile and monitor.

"Papa will check on you later. Night night, kiddo." Bryan cooed, leaving the nursery.

Travis closed his eyes and fell asleep, thankful to get more sleep.


Lacy walked into Travis's nursery an hour later, a bottle in her hand. She looked down at Travis and smiled.

"Hey sleepy boy. Are you ready to eat?" She cooed, tickling his tummy.

Travis laughed, and his pacifier rolled onto the mattress.

"I think we have a little issue to take care of first. I'll go get papa." Lacy said.

This confused Travis. What issue?

As he tried to figure out what she meant, he adjusted his position, only to realize he used his diaper.

Bryan walked into the nursery and picked Travis up. "Did someone mess his diaper? Papa will change you." Bryan cooed. He laid Travis down on the changing table and opened up his onesie, rolling it up to his chest.

Travis put up a fuss, whining and kicking. Bryan just shushed him gently and put a hand on his tummy.

"Easy, tiger. Papa won't be long." Bryan said, getting to work. He was quick to change Travis, and once he was in a clean diaper and onesie, he was picked up. Bryan sat in the rocking chair, rocking as Travis drank his bottle.

"I'm gonna go check on Owen. I'll be back." Lacy said, walking out of the room.


Lacy walked into owen's nursery, peeking into the bassinet. Owen was awake, and whimpering.

"I know that sound." Lacy cooed, smoothing owen's hair back. She unsnapped his onesie and rolled it up, removing the used diaper. Owen cried behind his pacifier, scrunching his legs up.

Lacy cleaned him up, powdering him and securing him in a clean diaper. Owen stopped crying and cooed, stretching his legs out.

"Mama will be right back." She cooed, going to wash her hands. She returned and picked up Owen, carrying him downstairs. She sat him in his bouncer and kissed his forehead, smiling at him. "Papa and Travis will be right down, then you can play with your brother." She cooed.

A couple minutes later, Bryan carried Travis into the living room. Owen saw Travis and gurgled behind his pacifier.

"Look who's happy to see you, kiddo. Go play." Bryan cooed, sitting Travis down in front of Owen, he sat on the couch next to lacy and they watched the boys.

Travis leaned close to Owen and looked into his eyes.

"I'm really sorry for making you sad yesterday. I was scared and wanted to leave. I didn't know how to bring you with me." He whispered, worried the parents might hear.

Owen reached out for Travis and smiled, cooing. Travis smiled too. Even though he didn't know if Owen understand him, he likes him.

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