Part 5

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Owen had lost track of time a long time ago. It was hard to remember everything before he was brought here, and he was so used to his routine that he more or less fell asleep at the same times everyday.

However, if he was struggling to go to sleep and he thought about it enough, he could remember a little bit of his first few weeks.


Owen opened his eyes slowly, groaning. He was still tired, but couldn't sleep. He was about to nod off again when he saw smithing floating above him. A group of little felt birds, attached to string, hung up on a plastic circle.

He suddenly realized that it was a baby's mobile! What was that doing there?!

When he tried to sit up and throw it, he couldn't move. His arms and legs were like jello, same with his back and neck.

A light switch flipped on suddenly, and he squinted to protect from the bright light.

"Hey, little one. Why are you up so late?" Came a soft voice. Owen looked up to see a red heAded woman, probably a few years older than him. She reached down to pick him up and held him to her shoulder.

Owen winced, trying to get away from her. She just rubbed his back and swayed gently.

He wanted to ask 'what are you doing? Who are you?' But was not prepared for the baby babble tat would come out of his mouth.

"Oh, someone's got a lot to say tonight. It's okay, mamas got you." She cooed.

Owen began to cry. He would never have done it if he could just use words, but that was out of the question. Why can't he speak?!

"Alright, you're okay baby. Is it time for a diaper change?" The woman cooed, rocking Owen. Hearing this made him panick.

"Hey, what's the matter? Isn't he sleepy?" Asked a man as he walked into the room.

"I don't think so. He started crying, and I don't know why he's so upset. He doesn't need a change." The woman said.

"Let me hold him, Lace. Maybe he wants his papa." The man said. "You go back to bed, I'll be there in a few minutes." He said.

"Thanks, babe. Night night, Owen. See you in the morning." Lacy said, walking out of the room.

Owen wept against the man's shoulder, unable to move. He popped a pacifier in his mouth and held him close.

Unable to calm down any other way, Owen have in and sucked on the pacifier. It was quite relaxing.

"There, isn't that better? Let's get you down for bed. It's way too late for babies to be awake." He cooed. He laid Owen back down, and Owen got a good look of the bed.

It was a bassinet. One used commonly for newborns.

"Night night, little one. Papa loves you." The man cooed, leaving the nursery. He flipped out the light, leaving Owen in the dark.

Now that he was left with his thoughts, he realized what was happening. He was dressed ina diaper, sleeping in a bassinet and sucking on a pacifier.

Clearly, whoever these people were saw him as a young baby, and must not be very safe to be around. He needed to get out before things went wrong.

(Present day)

Owen was getting very sleepy. He started whimpering, wanting to be put down for a nap. Before Travis knew what was happening, Owen was full on sobbing.

Bryan and lacy rushed over, and lacy picked him up out of his seat.

"Oh, I know, I know. Let's get you down for a nice nap." Lacy cooed, kissing his head. She carried Owen up to his nursery. Bryan looked down at Travis and picked him up.

"Since you had a nap earlier, let's go find a book to read. How about that, bubba?" He cooed. He grabbed a book from the shelf and settled onto the couch, Travis in one arm.

As he read, Travis felt more calm. He hoped Owen would feel better when he woke up.


Emily was in her playpen, playing with blocks, when Seth walked into the room, smiling.

"Emi, daddy has a surprise for you." He said, picking her up. He carried her to her nursery and opened the door. Emily looked into the room, and her eyes widened.

In the middle of the room was a large baby playmat, customized with little fun dangly toys in Emily's favorite colors.

"This will be perfect for when you're feeling extra little and you can't sit up on your own." Seth cooed.

'Or when you drug me.' Emily thought. She frowned, and Seth laid her down on the mat.

"Oh, don't be a pouty girl. Daddy wants you to have options. Now, you stay here, I'll be right back with your bottle." Seth said. He left the room, and Emily looked after him. Maybe now would be a good time to run for it.

She rolled onto her side, slowly crawling forward. When she started to move, however, it let out some sort of alarm sound. Emily glared at the censor, waving her hand in front of it.

The alarm beeped again, then again when Emily lowered her hand.

Seth walked back into the room, holding a warm bottle.

"Isn't that fun, kiddo? That censor will let me know tgat you can move, and I can get you in a playpen, your crib, or hold you. It's not for forever, but until I know you won't try to get up in your own, daddy needs that little warning." Seth said.

Damn, he's good. Emily cursed in her head as she was carried to the rocking chair and Seth sat down, feeding her.

"You're gonna have to use you diaper again soon, baby, or you'll feel sick." Seth said. Emily whined, and he gently shushed her. "It's alright, just drink your bottle, and then you can take a nap." Seth cooed.

Emily finished the bottle in a few minutes, though was now regretting it, because her stomach felt bloated. Seth burped her, which took away some pressure, but not all of it.

He laid her down in her crib and turned on her mobile and baby monitor. "See you in a little bit, munchkin." Seth said, shutting off the lights and door as he left.

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