You Belong With Me

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Before we embark on this spellbinding narrative, a brief note of clarification: "You Belong With Me" is a creation of pure imagination and fiction, existing entirely within the bounds of reality. While the names may draw associations with respected individuals, rest assured that this is a work of pure fiction.

Within these pages, you'll find no fantastical elements, no magic, and no otherworldly mysteries. The stories and characters you encounter are the product of creative minds and the art of storytelling.

Now, let's traverse together through the illustrious corridors of academia, where the destinies of our characters will intricately entwine.

Walk alongside us as we trace Yeji's footsteps, a path laden with the everyday struggles and triumphs of a college student, all in her pursuit of that elusive sense of belonging.

Remember, plagiarism is a big no-no. Respect the creativity and hard work that go into crafting unique stories.

With that said. All rights reserved. A story from 2022, refined in 2023, and ready to captivate your hearts.

So, dear reader, prepare yourself for a journey unlike any other. The world of Velvet Haven University awaits, with all its complexities, mysteries, and above all, the intricate dance of love and human connection. Enjoy the voyage.

- IknowthatYouknow17

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