Eternity (End)

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Marina's POV

"And you'll be safe?" Laf confirms, I nod

"I will be. It's the person I'm drinking from that you should worry about" I admit, she kind of winces

"Agreed. Just be as careful as you can." She hugs me "I love you. Good luck."

"I love you too Laf, I'll see you in the morning." I reply

It's about 1am. Lizzy's going to take me hunting for the first time.

I only turned vampire a couple of days ago, and I've drank all of Rob's blood sachets. He says I'm ready to go hunt, which is absolutely nerve wracking. I'm trusting that Lizzy can help me through it.

I leave the house, locking the door behind myself using new telekinesis power. It's an excellent trick I've learnt, it means I don't need to bring a key with me anymore.

I'm getting quite good at being a vampire already - Rob is extremely proud of me.

Thankfully it's dark outside and there's no sun. The sun really is terrible. Lizzy wasn't joking - it absolutely drains you.

Before I get to the Grant's door, Lizzy opens it for me. I smile

"Good evening" I say, very happy to see her.

I straight away wrap my arms around her neck and kiss her. She kisses back and I feel her slightly smile on my lips

"Good evening baby. What's put you in this mood?"

"I just like seeing you" I admit "I'm terribly nervous about hunting, and seeing you has eased the nerves a little bit. I feel very clingy."

"You'll be fine. You know exactly where to bite don't you?" She asks, I nod.

We've been through this lots.  She doesn't want me to kill anyone, and neither do I.

"Just here.." I kiss on her neck where she's told me to bite

"Perfect. Do you wanna see my dad before we go? One last lesson, or..?" She asks

"I don't think so. I think it'd throw me off" I explain, she kisses my nose.

"Alright. Just remember, be quiet, be quick, and don't be greedy. Humans need some blood left, they can die from losing 40%."

"Got it." I tell her. She kisses my nose again

"Good. Let's go."

She takes me hand and then vampirically travels us to a strange little back alley. I think this is the feeding spot she tells me about.

I'm not coming into this blind - I know what we have to do. We need to lure men back here and then drink from them.

However I am nervous that this is my first time around humans, and maybe smelling human blood co close in a public place won't go down so well. But Rob says I'll be fine, and hopefully he's right.

"I gotta say, it is gonna kinda destroy me seeing you flirt with men in there, even if it is just to feed off them.." Lizzy mutters bitterly, as we walk round to the bar entrance.

"Oh stop it" I smile "You know that I'm yours, and you do things to me that they can't even imagine."

I make her shoot me a little signature Lizzy Grant smirk

"Still.. It's gonna hurt.."

When we enter the bar, I immediately smell the  blood and the energy in the room. Lizzy looks at me to check I'm okay, I nod a little even though I'm not so sure I am.

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