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Lizzy's POV

After some time of kissing, I can tell that she's ready for me; her heartbeat is fast, her skin is warm and flushed, and I can smell her pheromones very strongly. She's irresistible.

I have her underneath me on her bed. It feels good because I can feel that I'm not going to kill her. I'm in control, and she likes it.

Whilst we kiss, I feel for the bottom of her shirt and slide my hand up underneath it to touch her warm, exposed waist. It's my favourite place to hold her. But I make her squirm a little

"Your hands are cold" she tells me, holding onto my shoulders.

"I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you.." I make sure she knows what I'm implying I'll do to her. She smiles a little, shyly. She's such a bottom.

"I'm sure you will.. Are you nervous?" She asks, I shake my head

"No. If it goes that badly, then I can just kill you. That way no one has to find out that I performed poorly." I joke, she laughs a little

"Seriously though.. Are you nervous? I'm your first girl."

"I'm not nervous at all. All I wanna do is make you feel good, and I've had tonnes of experience at that in my head." I tell her, slowly bringing my knee up to press against her through her clothes.

She exhales a little in response, and I can read from her that it's from pleasure. I have a feeling that fucking Marina as a vampire will be absolutely intoxicating. All my senses are heightened, and I'll be able to tell exactly how good I'm making her feel.

"You can do anything you like to me" she tells me, moving her hips to bring herself tightly against my thigh. She likes the pressure.

"Are you sure?" I ask, she nods

"I don't want anything more." She kisses me, then lets herself rub against me as we kiss. The feeling of her making herself feel good against my thigh turns me on.

I really don't want her clothed anymore, so I take the bottom of her shirt and stop kissing her to lift it off over her head.

I stare at her body because it's fucking beautiful. She has tan lines under her pretty black bra, teasing slightly paler skin to contrast her usual tanned complexion.

"Wow.. Look at you.." I run my hands up her warm torso, taking in her body. "You're so perfect.."

"You've seen me in bikinis before now.." she reminds me, trying to downplay how hot she looks

"I haven't undressed you before though.. It's exciting." I lean down and kiss her neck, feeling her excitingly vivid pulse under her skin against my lips.

In my defence, it's hard to keep the vampire thoughts at bay, even in a situation as intense as this. Thinking about how I'm making her blood pump faster is extra exciting to me. So to make sure I don't bite her, I start to kiss her lower and lower..

I soon find myself kissing over her boobs. They're big and I want to be gentle with them, but she's hard to go easy on. She makes me feral.

"You feel good.." she mumbles, playing with my hair as I kiss her.

Feeling the fullness of her boobs against my mouth is arousing. They're firm but soft; the perfect amount of squish.

I use my tongue too, licking and kissing and wanting more of her. I lick and kiss down her cleavage, going below her bra and moving to her stomach.

It's exciting getting lower down her body, because I'm getting closer to where she wants my attention. I can sense how much my low kisses are exciting her as well as me.

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