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Marina's POV

"What happened to you?" Lafina asks, coming into my room. She's bringing me a cup of juice, which is sweet... literally.

"I gave blood" I reply, taking the juice from her "Thank you"

"You're so pale.. How much did they take?" She asks, sitting down on my bed.

She feels my forehead for my temperature. It's strange having warm hands touch me when I'm so used to Lizzy's cold ones.

"I don't know but I did have a slight lapse of consciousness." I admit. I see a worried look on her face.

"You mean that you passed out?"

"Yeah, but I'm okay" I assure her, then sip my drink. The sugar feels like it's doing me some good.

"Well I'm outraged." She says, making me smile at her word choice. "I'm not joking. I think I'm going to write a letter to the school."

"There's nothing they can do, I wouldn't waste your time." I pause "Lizzy's been great to me though. She took me for breakfast to get my blood sugar up, or something."

"Did Lizzy donate too?" She asks

"No, she's funny about blood. She can't be around it." I say, very truthfully.

"Thank god for that. I think if she was any paler, she'd be as white as paper." Laf holds my hand "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"You tell me. You're the doctor." I joke, she nods

"I am. So I want you to sip your juice and get some sleep. Water wouldn't hurt either."

"Okay, thanks Laf."

"You poor thing.." she leans over and hugs me tightly "I love you. I'm sorry you've had a rough morning."

"I love you too. And don't worry, it hasn't been so bad." I hug back

"Because of Lizzy?" She pulls away

"Yeah, we finally said 'I love you'." I tell her, not being able to hold back a smile. She smiles too

"That's excellent. Well done you."

"Thank you. I said it first." I make sure to tell her I was the brave one

"I'm very proud of you" she passes me my phone so that I don't have to reach for it "You can have her over later if you like, darling. I don't mind."

"Okay I'll see how I go on" I tell her, she nods

"Alright" she strokes down my arm "Just let me know if you need anything, but try and get some rest. I might bring you some iron-rich food later on once your stomach settles."

"Thank you for looking after me" I tell her, she nods

"My pleasure. Door open or closed?" She asks

"Closed please"

"Alright then, I'll see you later" she says, slipping out of my door and closing it behind her.

She's a very good parent.

Lizzy's POV

I feel horribly guilty. I know that everything turned out okay, but I still feel bad for making her so weak like I did.

I get a text through from her

'Marina <3: Laf got me some juice'

'Me: that's rlly good baby. drink it'

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