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Marina's POV

The drive home is filled with tension, her hand gripping my bare thigh as she drives. She gets us to my house so fast that I'm surprised she hasn't ran any red lights - she's desperate to fuck me.

As soon as we get through my front door, she backs me up against it

"I kept my promise.." she starts kissing my neck, and letting her fingers trail teasingly up my thighs. It was a good day to decide on wearing a skirt. "I'm fucking you the second you're home alone, remember?"

"It's all I've been thinking about.." I admit, feeling her hot tongue on my skin. It makes me swallow, not with nerves, but excitement.

No one makes me feel the tension she does.

"Oh I know.. You were all over me last night, and quite literally all over me in school." She kisses my lips "Which, by the way, I don't think was fair."

"Well... What're you going to do about it?" I dare myself to ask her. I immediately regret it, but the feelings of regret are mixed with pure arousal.

"I'll show you exactly what I'm going to do about it."

I realise that I have, in fact, fucked up.

She wasn't joking when she said she'd destroy me, and here I am, encouraging my own destruction.

"I think it's time we went to your bedroom, don't you?" She asks, I nod a little "What's the matter? Not feeling so brave?"

"Shut up.. Let's go to my room" I fake just a little braveness, slipping away from her possession and leading the way to my bedroom.

"You know, I don't think that telling me to shut up was your smartest move.." she says suggestively, following me upstairs to my bedroom.

To be honest, I know she's right. But half of the fun of being a brat is taking risks that you just know will result in you being completely ruined.

Despite this, I decide that it's best to keep my mouth shut for the rest of the way to my bedroom.

Once we step through the door, she looks at me and waits to see if I have the courage to make the first move. It makes me want to, but I also can't resist being topped.

"You're very brave.." she mocks me, stepping close to me so that I feel powerless compared to her. It's hot. "I haven't forgotten what you did at school, you know."

"I don't know what you mean" I lie, she smirks a little then starts to kiss my neck. I love how her cold skin contrasts with the hotness of her mouth.

"I'll make you remember.." she slides her hands back up my skirt, this time not being so gentle. She watches my face for slight reactions to what she's doing, running her fingers over my underwear. "This is what you were doing in front of my friends. In public."

"You handled it though.." I mumble, feeling her start to apply more pressure. I close my eyes in response

"Eyes open. If I could 'handle it', so can you." She tells me firmly, still touching me. I do as I'm told. "Good girl" she kind of makes me shiver "Get onto your bed"

Again, I follow my orders. She stops teasing me and lets me move, so I go over to sit on the edge of my bed and wait for what she'll do next.

Watching her close my bedroom door and hearing the click it makes as it shuts is arousing. I know exactly what she's able to do to me, and the door closing symbolises the start of it.

"Why're you behaving so well now?" She asks, standing in front of me. It makes me feel small in a good way.

"I wouldn't speak too soon" I can't resist saying to her. She smirks

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