"I won't hurt you."

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Lizzy's POV

The car is scarily silent. We've only really just gotten onto the road, but it's been silent long enough to understand that she doesn't know what to say to me.

"I told you not to look" I break the silence "I knew I'd scare you.."

"I'm not scared I just.. haven't ever seen anything like that." She replies unconvincingly.

It makes it worse that I can't read her right now because I'm so hungry. I'm all out of energy. Forcing myself not to drain the man I mesmerised was very difficult because I tasted his blood and wasn't allowed to drink it. I'm starving.

"I'm sorry if I've made you upset" I tell her, she shakes her head

"You haven't. I'm grateful that you stopped us from getting in trouble." She holds my hand across the car

"He's gonna be okay, you know.. He'll only be out for five minutes or so. I didn't drink from him." I tell her, my fangs kind of aching. "I haven't ever been able to stop myself from drinking like that."

"It was very impressive self control" she compliments me, I smile at her

"You mean not drinking from him or not drinking from you?" I ask, bringing her mind back to how far we almost got in the closet. She just smiles and looks away, as shyly as always.


I know for a fact that her arousal hasn't gone away. I've never smelled her pheromones as strong as this, and all I want to do is pull the car over and give her some relief.

But I don't trust myself not to bite her. I was really lucky not to bite her before, and I know that trying once again not to bite her in that situation wouldn't be so successful. So I just drive us home.

"I'm gonna have to feed when I get in. That was so fucking difficult.." I mumble, rubbing my face. She lays her hand on my thigh

"You did really well, you know.." she pauses "I had no idea that you could heal people like that."

"It's built into the vampire design, I guess. We aren't supposed to get found out and that's one of the ways we can cover our tracks, so to speak." I explain, she nods

"Well next time I cut my lip, I'll come to you for help." She says, I smile

"Marina, if I tasted your blood, there'd be nothing left of you to heal."

Maybe it's too soon to be making jokes about killing her after what she just saw, but she's smiling too. It's almost like she enjoys the power I could potentially have over her. I think it turns her on.

"We'll have to try it out one day" she replies, casually. I laugh a little in shock

"You just saw me bite someone, leaving them unconscious on the floor. How aren't you scared?"

"I trust you. And you did it to keep me out of trouble." She tells me "You could've just disappeared out of there as soon as the door opened, leaving me to get in trouble on my own. But you didn't."

"I'd hate to damage your perfect school record" I tease, she smiles

"How kind of you.." she looks out of the window again "But it was already damaged today by some pervy teacher thinking I was intentionally showing cleavage."

"Want me to kill him?" I joke, she laughs

"I'll think about it."

Soon I pull up outside our houses, and I hate that I have to go feed right now instead of spending the rest of the afternoon at Marina's

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