The Grant Family

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Marina's POV

Moving countries is never easy.

I've done it about four times now. Once from Wales to England, another from England to Greece, then back to England. But last week, I moved from England to America. It's scary here, and new.

"So, do you like it?" My sister Lafina asks me, showing me my new bedroom. She's just finished decorating it for me. This is her big reveal.

It's a sweet gesture because she knows I didn't want to move again. At least we're alone here, and without our mum and dad. Lafina is finally old enough to care for the both of us, and that's something I'm really glad about.

Life is far better and far easier without them.

"I love it." I smile. She did a nice job, she's given me a blank canvas; my walls are painted white and I have a hard wood floor, she's given me blank picture frames for me to fill with whatever I like.

My bed is big and queen sized. I love it. I've been sleeping on the couch until now, so I'm excited for my first hopefully restful night. The sheets are just white too, she knows that I like to pick out things like that for myself.

I have a desk too, completed with my laptop and desk chair. I'm excited to use it. I'm excited for everything to feel normal here. So far it's just been busy, and with too much going on. I haven't even seen my new school yet.

"The walls are white so that you can paint them if you like, but for now it's just a starting point." She explains, I nod

"You're very considerate.."

"I know that you're trying your best to show enthusiasm, when really, you have none. And I just want to say that it's okay." She tells me, laying her hands gently on my arms. "I know you're nervous but I think we can have a really great life here together. And I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks Laf. I just don't know what to expect." I raise my shoulders a little, she kisses my forehead. She gets affectionate when I'm vulnerable in front of her. I like it.

"I know. It'll be okay though. And it could be worse, I mean look at the house mum and dad gave us."

Our parents are well off, that's why our mum is in London, our dad is in Greece, and we're in America. This house is in a good, rich neighbourhood, but definitely the smallest on the block. I like that it's smaller though. It'll feel cosier.

"Just nervous.." I reiterate

"I know. I'll give you some time to settle in. I'll make dinner, okay? I'll call you down when it's ready."

"Alright thank you, Laf." I say, she smiles a little and then leaves me alone, shutting my door behind her. She really is a great sister, I'm so lucky that she's taking care of me.

Without Lafina here, it's quiet. I don't even particularly know what to do. It does feel nice to have a room, though; it's just an empty space, but it's my empty space.

I'm proud of Lafina. She's here to attend med school. We're living off of our parents money right now, which feels dirty and like we haven't earned it. All she wants to do is make her own money and look after us both the way that our parents should've. She's a really great sister.

I go to my window to see my new bedroom's view. It's about 6pm, so the sun isn't setting just yet. It's still sunny outside, and very very warm.

The neighbours all have big gardens. Ours is big too, but theirs are bigger. It just shows how we don't fit in. It makes me anxious - I'm a sucker for symbolism.

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