Swapped Numbers

388 27 3

Marina's POV

It's been about a week and my sleep is still unadjusted to my new American life. It's exhausting, but to be honest, I don't care.

I love waking up early to drive to school with Lizzy, and I love waiting up to see her sometimes at night. It's exciting, and I do actually manage to sleep better after I talk to her.

Sometimes we flirt, and I feel like she might like me. She makes every effort to talk to me, and I haven't ever seen her talk to anyone but Ashley, Alex or Blake at school. She doesn't even talk to the teachers very often.

The more time I spend with her, the more perfection I see in her; her skin is clear and well-hydrated, and every part of her face is perfectly proportioned. And-

"You're quiet this morning.." Lizzy interrupts my thoughts, making me break my gaze from her. I may have been staring.

"Just thinking." I say, looking out of the window instead.

She's driving us to school. This is one of my favourite parts of my day, my other favourite part of the day is when I go home with her.

"I was thinking too, and I think it's time I got your phone number." She tells me, I look over at her, to see if she meant to flirt. But I can't quite tell.

"I agree. And can we swap social medias too?" I ask further, she smiles

"Nosy, huh? You wanna see my instagram pictures?"

Okay, now that's flirting. She wants me to want her. She wants me to want to look at her pictures, and admire her beauty in them.

"Maybe." is all I can reply.

I promise that I'm better at flirting than this, but Lizzy makes me forget everything I've ever known about it. I lose all my words around her.

"I wanna see yours too. Request my account and I'll add you back." She tells me, coolly.

It's things like this that make me feel like she doesn't like me. Because how does she keep her cool talking to me if I can't even string a sentence together talking to her?

Maybe it's just that she's a top and I'm a bottom. As gays, it's deep rooted into how we interact.

"I will.." I go onto my phone and request her account. She laughs and I'm confused. "What?"

"You didn't even ask me for my username. You've been stalking me, just waiting to tap that follow button."

"I have not.." I lie "I've just seen you tagged in things."

"You're a terrible liar, Marina.." she smirks "It's okay, you can tell me. Do you want to see my pictures?" She flirts.

I swallow nervously, and my heartbeat speeds up. It's almost like she feels how nervous she makes me, because she gives a little sort of laugh.

"Well.. a bit." I finally answer

"And why's that?" She pushes. It's hot that she has me where she wants me, but she's putting me in a very uncomfortable position.

"You're.. interesting." I raise my shoulders, trying to regain composure. Come the fuck on, Marina. She's just a girl. Get a hold of yourself.

"Interesting how?"

"You might.. I don't know, take good pictures." I make up, she just smiles.

"I see." Is all she says, very simply.

I see? What sort of a response is that after putting me under all of that gay pressure?

"I think you'd take good pictures too. You have the face for it, at least." She compliments me.

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