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Marina's POV

"You know, I think Lizzy could kill for you." Lafina tells me, taking my plate away after I finish the breakfast she made me.

It's Monday morning before school. I'm almost excited to go to school today because it's one of the last Mondays before the summer break. Everything feels a little less tense when time off is approaching. Today should be a good day.

"What? What makes you say that?" I realise what she said.

When your girlfriend's a vampire, you pick up on how many times death and murder is used in casual conversation.

"The way she was looking at you on Friday was very telling." She pauses "I really do like her for you."

"I'm glad that you do, Laf. Your opinion means a lot to me."

"I can tell" she smiles "What's your day at school going to be like? What do you have?"

"I have terrible terrible lessons todays, actually. I have science and maths." I complain. Laf doesn't seem happy about it. "What?"

"My whole job is science."

"Oh.. Sorry about that." I say awkwardly "My brain just isn't wired for science like yours is. I much prefer English and Art. I have those today too." I ramble

"Are your grades doing alright? I don't hear much from the school in terms of reports, but I trust you to tell me if you need a tutor or anything..?"

"Relax, Laf. I'm doing well" I smile "Do you think I'd ever need a tutor? I'm on top of things, don't worry."

"Okay good. No I don't think you'd need a tutor, but it's my place to ask." She looks at what I'm wearing "You look very nice, especially in skirts. I'm sure Lizzy agrees."

I get the feeling that Laf knows that me and Lizzy have definitely fucked. I think she's torn between being happy for me as a friend would be, and being protective of me as a parent would be.

I suppose that's because she's my guardian at such a young age and doesn't know how to navigate these things. So she tends to just imply that she knows and leaves it at that, which I'm grateful for.

I don't like the idea of talking to her about sex in great detail.

"Thank you, although she likes me in everything. Not just skirts." I make it clear that we aren't just sex obsessed teenagers, but instead, maturing partners.

"You always know just what to say, don't you? I don't think your brain ever stops working." She comes over to me and fixes my hair, like always. "You're very smart."

"Thanks Laf. I don't know if I'll come straight home today after school, I might hang out with my friends or something." I pause "Oh, speaking of being somewhere else.."

"Here we go.." she mumbles

"No, don't worry, it's nothing bad. Lizzy invited me to a family party type of thing."

I see Lafina's face relax - she must've thought I was asking to go to a high school party or something. But she's quite a pushover, so it's not like she'd have told me 'no' anyway.

"That's great. Of course you can go." She pauses "Does her dad know that you two are together? Older people can be quite..." she looks for the word

"Homophobic?" I suggest


"Well Rob does know and he isn't homophobic in the slightest, which is strange because he's quite old." I explain, even though 'quite' is an understatement when talking about his age. He's centuries old, in reality.

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