"she likes you."

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Marina's POV

"I'm fucking mortified." I tell Lafina, pacing around the living room in front of her. She's really trying not to laugh at me. "I'm really genuinely so fucking mortified."

"Well, it's not that embarrassing.."

"Who the absolute fuck falls asleep in a car belonging to someone they just met a day ago?" I pause "I can't ever see her again." At that, she laughs. "Laf, I'm serious. I'm really embarrassed. What if I did something ugly in my sleep?"

"I don't know why you're getting so upset over this. She must've known you were tired and wanted to let you sleep."

"Or I made her so uncomfortable that she didn't know what to do with my unconscious body for half a fucking hour."

Lafina laughs again, but I certainly don't. I just sit on the sofa and bury my face into my hands.

"Come on, I'm sure she hasn't even given it another thought.." Lafina tries to reason with me. I feel her hand on my back, comforting me.

"I'm mortified." I mumble "I can't show my face again. Ever."

"You're being dramatic. She probably didn't even care." She says "Was school alright though? Did you have a good day?"

"It wasn't so bad.." I take my face out of my hands and instead just rest my chin in them, balancing my elbows on my knees. "I can't fucking believe I did that.. Of all people, it was her I had to brutally embarrass myself in front of."

"Oh just drop it.." Lafina smirks "Or else I'll invite her over."

"It's not like I can embarrass myself any further now.." I sulk

"You really are a drama queen.. I'd almost forgotten." She strokes down my arm "I'm glad you're starting to seem like your old self again."

"Is that an insult?" I ask, she laughs

"No, I'm just saying it's a relief. I think a routine was all you really needed."

"I wonder how I'll sleep tonight.. If I get a good nights sleep then I'll definitely know that I'm settling more."

"And if you can't sleep in your bed, just ask Elizabeth if you can use her car. You slept fine there." She teases, I just groan.

For the next couple of hours, I sit, mope, and get my homework done. I don't have a lot to do, but I'm glad that I'm getting it done quickly so that I don't have to think about it.

Back in British high school and British college, I always left my homework until the night before. I'm trying a different approach this time, and I'm doing it all on the night that it's set. That way I don't have to worry about deadlines.

'Jess: hey M, wanna hang out?'

I see Jess' message come through on my phone, I smile and pick it up.

"Laf, look at this.." I take my phone to my sister, she squints her eyes to read. Then she smiles.

"You have friends! Well done!"

"I know.." I smile, reading the message again. I'm not really used to having friends, especially so soon after moving. It usually takes me months to get to this point. "Can I go out?" I ask her, since she's my parental figure now.

"Of course, just get back before ten o'clock tonight." She tells me, I nod

"I don't think we'll be out that long. It's only about four o'clock now." I pause "Do I look okay? Should I change or anything?"

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