Living Dead

459 23 7

Marina's POV

I'd be lying if I said that I didn't wake up early just to get ready to see Elizabeth. I'm excited to see her, and talk to her, and try to figure her out.

I'll only have about 10 minutes to talk to her because we don't live so far from school. But I'm going to really make the most of it.

Also, I think Lafina thinks that I've gone insane. She's lingering around my doorway, just observing me but pretending not to.

"You know, you can just come in and say hi?" I tell her sarcastically. I'm at my desk doing my makeup, I see her in the reflection of my mirror. She enters my room properly.

"I'm sorry. I was just thinking about things."

"About me?" I ask, she nods.

Called it.

"I suppose.." she sits down on my bed "You know that it's only about seven, don't you? Are you getting ready early because you're so anxious?"

"No no.." I reply, putting on my mascara. From what I can see of her face, she doesn't look convinced. "I have a ride to school, I made friends."

"Oh?" She smiles "That's excellent, then. Well done you."

"Guess who my ride is." I smile, rather smug.

"Who?" She asks

"Elizabeth Grant. The girl next door."

"The girl you stalk? How've you managed that?" She smiles too, I roll my eyes and turn around to talk to her properly

"I don't stalk her. And she brought it up when we sat together in art."

"I bet you're excited. I think you have a bit of a crush by now."

"I don't know what you're talking about.." I mumble, turning back to my mirror. I'm actually almost ready, I just have my hair to take care of now.

My hair shows my Grecian genetics clearly, as it's thick, black and wavy. It's far easier to maintain after a shower, but I just couldn't be bothered to take one this morning. I have more on my mind than my shower schedule.

"Have you agreed on a time to meet?" Lafina asks, I shake my head a little

"No, but I presume that she'll just knock at the door for me when she's ready."

"Do you have her phone number?"


"Were you too nervous to get it?" She teases, I scoff a little

"No.." I'm lying. I'm far too nervous to ask her for something like that.

"What about social medias? Is she on any?" Lafina asks, clearly getting invested. It's funny how nosy she's being. It's very her. In fact, it's very our mum, but she's not here.

"I've looked but they're private" I admit. She 'hmm's.

"Very casually bring it up to her today?" She suggests, I laugh

"Gosh Laf, sounds like you're the stalker, not me.."

"It's just exciting" she defends

"I know. I actually meant to tell you about my interactions with her yesterday." I start to brush my hair. It's knotty. "It was almost as if she was flirting with me."

"How so?"

"The conversation just had that sort of a flirty undertone.. and I even made eye contact with her."

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