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Marina's POV

I wake up to Lizzy next to me, stroking my arm softly whilst she watches over me.

"Good morning. Guess what time it is.." she smiles, I just rub my eyes

"Tell me?"

"Half past ten. You slept like eight and a half hours, Marina." She smiles. I smile too. "I'm proud of you."

"You fixed me" I say, she shakes her head and laughs a little

"You're giving me way too much credit.." she smiles, switching to stroking my face instead of my arm. "Is your head okay?"

"Yeah I was sober. And I don't feel sick anymore." I tell her, enjoying how gentle she feels

"That's great.. And you still like me?" She checks, I smile

"Of course I do."

"I have no idea how you're so okay with this, but I'm glad you are."

"Because I really like you" I say to her, she smiles

"I really like you too."

"Did you go and.. drink?" I ask, trying to word it properly. I couldn't really have said 'eat someone'.

"Yeah, twice. So I'm not gonna eat you." She jokes, playing with my hair "You're very pretty without makeup."

I immediately get self conscious. This is the first time she's seen me without any makeup at all. What if she's just saying that to be nice?

"Why're you insecure?" She asks, literally just reading my mind

"Are you sure you can't mind read?" I ask, in disbelief

"I emotion read very well." She picks up my hand and kisses the back of it "I can emotion drain, too. It's an alternate way of feeding because it takes energy." She pauses, then adds "I think I've accidentally done that to you before now."

"Well I'm not so bothered. It didn't hurt, and I'm still alive." I reassure her, she makes a face though

"Marina I have to be really careful with you. You're precious, and mine to protect." She tells me, I smile

"It's cute when you get possessive, like last weekend when you couldn't bare the thought of me thinking another girl is pretty."

"Shut up.." she smiles, a little bit embarrassed

"I don't think anyone's prettier than you. And I especially like your fangs."

"My fangs especially like you. We need to be really careful, okay?"

"You've got self control though, Lizzy. It's okay." I try to tell her, she shakes her head

"Not as much as I'd like." She takes my jaw and tilts my head so that she can see my neck. "I don't I'll ever be able to make hickeys all over that pretty neck." She trails her fingertips down over it.

Thinking about Lizzy doing things like that to me really turns me on, especially combined with her gentle touching..

She smiles at me

"What?" I ask

"Did that turn you on?" She makes fun of me, I laugh a little

"I'm going to have to control my thoughts a bit more with you around, aren't I?"

"I've read much worse from you" she smirks, teasing me. My eyes widen

"What like?"

"Like when we were kissing.." she pauses "They we're dirty thoughts, weren't they?"

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