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Marina's POV

"Dad.. Her saliva, I think it healed my cut. Does that mean she's..?"

I hear Lizzy speaking to her dad. What the fuck happened?

All I remember is Charlie and pain. Pain in my wrist.

As I somewhat gain consciousness, I feel my heartbeat come to a stop. It feels disgusting. Unnatural and like it could make my stomach drop.

What the fuck? Am I... dead?


Did she say that my saliva healed her?

Am I a fucking vampire? Has she turned me?

"Come on, Marina.." I hear her voice again. I feel movement in my mouth, like something being taken out of it. I can taste blood, so I swallow it quickly to get it out of my mouth.

I fight my unconsciousness and open my eyes as well as I can

"Lizzy..?" I look at her and Rob looking down on me. I think I'm on their kitchen floor. I feel slightly embarrassed. "What.. What happened?" I ask, she sits me up and holds me tightly against her

"I'm so sorry.. It was Charlie.. He drained you, he smelled the-"

"The alcohol in my blood.." I finish off her sentence as it comes flooding back to me "Oh my god.. Am I.. dead?"

"You're a vampire" Rob tells me. I feel my eyes widen. Oh my god. I am dead. "We're going to look after you and help you adjust."

"Lizzy you saved me?" I look at her, she nods

"I'm so sorry I had to turn you. I couldn't let you die."

"I'm so grateful" I squeeze her hand "Thank you" I pause "I feel rather weak" I admit

"You need to drink" Rob tells me. Again, I feel my eyes widen.

"Am I going to.. you know.. hunt?" I ask, he shakes his head

"Not tonight. You'd be a killing machine." He goes into one of the kitchen drawers and takes out a sachet of what I can only assume is blood.

"I am hungry.." I pause "Thirsty, I mean."

Rob brings it over to me. Am I really about to drink blood?

"I don't think I can drink that.." I admit, he laughs a little. But I'm not joking. I don't want to drink blood.

"You'll snap right into it, I'm sure.." he unscrews the lid at the top of the sachet and I smell the blood inside.

Suddenly, I understand exactly what Lizzy has described to me. I feel like an animal. Robs right, I really would kill someone if I smelled that underneath their skin.

I feel very grateful that the house is full of vampires and that no one here has blood I can drink.

I grab the sachet from Rob, almost snatching it. I move fast, and start to drink it. It tastes like feeling alive.

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