"Happy Existence Day"

271 19 36

Lizzy's POV

Some afternoons, I leave Marina to her own devices. I give her time for herself, even though I don't really truly leave her alone.

I enjoy listening for her movements behind the house walls, and managing to catch little glimpses of her through the windows.

This afternoon I'm watching her in her pool. It's been a very hot mid-June day, and I'm sure she feels better for the pool to cool down in.

My life is just sort of cold nowadays. I go from air conditioning to air conditioning, building to building - I never stay in the sun. But it's okay, I don't feel the cold anymore. I'm numbed to it.

And besides, I can still watch Marina from behind my bedroom window. She's very nice to watch, too.

She's wearing my favourite of her bikinis - the white one. Her body's fucking beautiful. I'm not particularly thinking about her sexually. I'm just admiring her and her perfect physique.

"Elizabeth" I hear my dad behind me, so I very quickly turn around in case he sees me being gay

"Yes?" I ask, trying to play it cool. But it's not very cool. He's a mind reading and emotion reading vampire. He knows exactly what I'm doing.

"Is this a bad time?"

"What? No. What did you come to ask?" I quickly get the conversation back on track

"Actually, it's related to Marina." He pauses "How are things?" He sits down on the edge of my bed, which is unlike him.

It's unlike him because it's not weirdly formal. I think he's trying to act casual. He doesn't want to make me nervous.

"Really good" I say, he nods approvingly

"Good. Any biting incidents?"

"I've had a couple fang slips." I admit "Nothing too bad though. I've learnt to drain little and often around school so that I don't take it out on her."

"Draining blood?" He asks, sort of excitedly.

He wants me to be able to take people aside and drink from them so quickly that they don't even know I'm doing it. But I'm not that skilled. Truthfully, I think it would get me arrested and probably put to death.

"No no. Emotion." I correct, he 'oh's

"Does it keep you full?" He makes sure, I nod

"Oh yeah. I just gotta do it often enough." I pause "It's kind of great being an emotion draining vampire in high school."

"Why's that?"

"Most kids are emotionally drained, so the ones I drain fit right in. No one suspects a thing." I half joke, he smiles

"You're cunning. That's good for a learning vampire."

"I kinda hate it." I admit. "I wish I wasn't constantly thinking about how badly I want to drain my classmates."

"Hey, stop that. You're fine. You keep things under control, and you have absolutely nothing to feel guilty about."

"I guess." I sit down next to him "Did I tell you I'm learning to mind read?"

I see real excitement in his eyes, and it makes me smile a little. I know how proud of me he is, and he loves that I'm doing so well as a vampire. I'm really starting to take after him.

"No you didn't. Tell me, what stage are you at?" He asks "Key words, or..?"

"So far it's just a couple content words and.. I don't know, a sort of feeling?"

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