Harry shrugged and lifted his glasses with his finger. "My intention to meet you is to not date you," he explained. "Rather, I'd like to know you as a person. So, while I'm given this opportunity, I don't want to miss it. Who knows, this might actually turn into something."

He smiled brightly. And my lips twitched into a smile as well. I didn't know if I smiled because he did. Or because I found his smile oddly attractive that it felt rude not to smile back.

Soon the silence between us began to feel awkward. Harry had spoken his part. It was obvious that I was expected to say something now.

"So, um-" I adjusted myself on the chair. "You mentioned moving out from your ex-girlfriend's house. Were you guys in a live-in relationship or something?"

"Sort of," Harry replied. "Her brother is my best friend. Her being my girlfriend is the latter part. Her family has always been there for me. It's like they're my family."

I nodded. "It must have been hard— moving out," I said. "Why'd you guys break up?"

"We met under critical circumstances. Things weren't so peaceful in my life when we got together. Perhaps I misunderstood my feelings for love." He shrugged, "...I guess we grew out of it. It has been like a year since we're not together now."

"So, are you sure you're ready to date again?" I asked. It had been almost a year since I broke up with Andrew. I knew I was ready. But it didn't seem the same case with Harry.

Of course, my break up with Andrew was his mistake and not my doubts. But with Harry, he seemed to not understand himself and what he felt. In that case, I needed to be sure I wasn't living by a thread.

"Like I said," Harry said, "I'm not looking for a relationship. Not at the moment, at least. My intention in meeting you was purely to know you and let things take their course. I assure you I won't promise you anything unless I'm certain of my feelings. You don't have to worry about being betrayed."

"I wasn't-" I started, but the waitress interrupted us.

We ordered our drinks and continued talking about random things after that. Harry asked me about my school and studies. I mentioned almost everything except Draco. I was particularly interested in that topic, so I saved it for later. I wanted to know if Harry was aware that one of the wizards was residing in the neighbourhood. If yes, why?

There were many things I wanted to know from Harry. Like about the war and more information about Draco. But it seemed inappropriate to ask them in the first meeting. Also, I wasn't sure if Harry would be comfortable answering them all. I needed to be his friend, at least to ask him personal questions. So, I decided to wait until dinner, which was happening tonight.


Harry pulled the sleeve of his shirt one last time before knocking on the door. He held his breath until the door was opened and exhaled with a smile when he saw Mr Cloverfly greeting him at the door.

He held out the bouquet of flowers he had got and greeted back. He was asked to come in. The rest of the Cloverfly family greeted him with the same bright faces as he entered, except Y/N. She was nowhere to be seen.

Harry's emerald eyes scanned the room to spot her figure but failed when he realised she was in her room upstairs. It was oddly relieving. He would have a couple of more minutes to calm his racing heart before he could see her again.

Today's meeting with Y/N at the café went completely unpredictable. Harry had guessed the first half of it, and it went exactly the way he assumed.

The conversation flowed smoothly, at least according to him. And he answered everything he had practised. He hadn't lied about a word but had previously framed his sentences since he might unknowingly create misunderstandings. Not expressing himself well enough had cost him a bitter end with Ginny. He didn't want his possible beginning to start the same.

Living In The Muggle World (Draco Malfoy x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now