Chapter 18-Facials and PediCURES

Start from the beginning

“What happened Jenn?” she asked. Looking in her eyes with my puffy, red ones.

“He is just a player too. I trusted Marty without any hesitation, unlike with Jason. I went looking for my brother when he didn’t come home and finally I found his car at JoJo’s bar and grill. I was so happy when I saw Marty’s big truck parked by Danny’s car that my heart nearly exploded. Not only was I going to drive my brother safely home because I knew he had been drinking, but I would get to see Marty again,” I told her as I blew out a long breath I continued, “When I entered the bar I saw Marty with of all the nasty women in the world, Kenzie, pulled up against him and she was whispering in his ear. When she spotted me she smiled. She freaking smiled. Then she mouthed the words, “He’s mine.” How could I be so stupid? And why the hell would Marty do this to my brother? They have been best friends forever. Even if he didn’t have any feelings for me why would he stab my brother in the back like this?” I asked. Tricia had waited patiently for me to finish without interrupting taking in all I had to say as her eys showed the empathy she felt for me. My phone beeped as I finished my story for her. She grabbed it before I could see.

“Let me see who it is first. I don’t want you talking to him if he has you this upset already,” she said. I nodded thankful for having her by my side. She opened the message and gasped.

“What?” I demanded. Although I didn’t recognize the number from which the message originated I did recognize the people in the picture. It was Kenzie draped all over Marty. The message said, “Don’t kid yourself little girl. He needs a real woman to satisfy him.”

I took my phone without regard and threw it against the wall. With a small measure of satisfaction I watched it bust into pieces as it hit the floor.

“Ahh!” I yelled as I sat back on Tricia’s bed pulling at my hair resting my hands on either side of my face. Tricia came and sat next to me once again and began rubbing my back.

“Do you want to go find her and kick her ass? I will hold her down while you inflict as much injury to her as you feel necessary,” she asked seriously. Standing from the bed I shook my head.

“No, no she’s right. What was I thinking? I let my fascination and crush on Marty cloud my judgement and I gave him something I can never get back,” I told her.

“At least you gave it to someone you cared for,” she said being her always looking for the silver lining.

“And you didn’t?” I asked. Suddenly I felt awful for attacking her with my words. She has done nothing but try to help me.

“I’m sorry Tricia. I am just so angry and I took it out on you. I love you girl,” I tell her.

“I know its okay. But no I haven’t,” she said blushing as she looked at the floor.

“Oh, well trust me do not get in a hurry to. It brings nothing but pain and heart ache. Wait until you are married like I wish I had,” I tell her with intensity willing her to never have sex. Before we could discuss it further there was a knock on her door.

“Girls, it’s facial time!” he mother screeched out. We spent two hours listening to 80’s music getting our faces, nails, and feet primped. It actually did cheer me up quite a bit. Tricia had went to take her shower as I helped Sharon clean up our mess. Then a look came across Sharon’s face that I had never seen before. She looked serious and not too happy.

“I have to confess I overheard your conversation about sex with Tricia. Just know that because you have met a few bad guys doesn’t make every guy you meet bad. I am going to tell you my story or at least the condensed version. My mother died when I was nine years old and my father couldn’t deal with the loss and committed suicide. I was sent to live with my Aunt and her husband. Long story short her husband forced me to give him as you referred to it something you can’t get back. My life was horrid for some time before I met Paul. Paul has treated me like a queen. He has healed me from the inside out. Your story isn’t the same as mine, but you feel as if it was taken from you as well, yes?” she asked. I nodded feeling like my problems were rather insignificant compare to her hardships.

“Just know that your prince charming will come along just like mine did,” she said once again smiling as if on cue Paul was in the room reaching his arms around her from behind. He kissed her neck softly. The kiss was innocent enough but the intimacy of it caused a deep blush to cover my face.

“I think I will go onto bed,” I said to them. As I was leaving the room Sharon said, “Remember fairytales do come true, but the story is never perfect.”

I nodded and thanked her as I ran to Tricia’s room.


Bum bum bum...A little glimpse into Tricia's life.

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