39 - Smokescreens and Whiskey.

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"Alessandro, Miguel, guesthouse," Andrea called out for Alessandro and me to join him at the guesthouse

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"Alessandro, Miguel, guesthouse," Andrea called out for Alessandro and me to join him at the guesthouse.

As we followed Andrea into the guesthouse, we could hear the pained cries of a young girl echoing through the silent walls.

Before I could take another step, I instinctively pulled Santino aside and demanded, "You didn't hurt them, did you?" Fear had crept into my voice, and I hoped that he had not harmed any innocents.

Santino seethed at the accusation, his face contorting in anger as he snapped back, "We know better than to harm an innocent woman and her child."

His response was abrupt and sharp, indicating that my fear was unfounded, yet I needed to be sure.

"Perché siamo qui? (why are we here?)" The woman, her face etched with concern and worry, asked in a shaky voice.

"Marco ha avuto un incidente, ma non preoccuparti, sta bene. Ti abbiamo portato qui solo per vederlo, (Marco had an accident, but don't worry, he's fine. We brought you here just to see him)" Luca said in a calm voice, trying his best to reassure her.

I nodded to the boys to bring Marco out. He knew the drill, he had to play along. We gave him a few moments with his family before he came out, ready to sing like a bird.

"Aspetta, prima che dica qualsiasi cosa, devi promettere che lascerai mia moglie e mia figlia illese, (wait, before I say anything, you have to promise to let my wife and daughter go unharmed)" Marco pleaded.

Pietro snapped, "Non siamo animali! Inizia a parlare! (we aren't animals! Start talking!)" Pietro yelled at him.

"Ok, ok," Marco began, his voice shaking. "Ci sono solo io qui. (There's just me here)"

Alessandro grabbed him by the collar, shaking him wildly as he yelled, "Smettila di perdere tempo e dicci dov'è Diego! (quit stalling and tell us where Diego is!)"

With a trembling voice, Marco finally spoke, "Diego è in una piccola casa a Siena, ma cerca di mantenere un profilo basso. (Diego is in a small house in Siena, but he's trying to keep a low profile)"

"Let's move!" I bellowed, rushing to the driveway.

Alessandro was beside himself with rage, and I knew he'd kill Diego given the chance. But I couldn't let that happen.

By the time we reached the house, Diego was already gone. No trace of him was left, sending us back to square one. Diego had outwitted us. I had seriously underestimated him.

 I had seriously underestimated him

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