29 - Crimson Kiss of Vengeance.

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Low-hanging storm clouds scudded across the sky, mirroring the bleakness in everyone's hearts

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Low-hanging storm clouds scudded across the sky, mirroring the bleakness in everyone's hearts. The cemetery was a sea of somber hues - black suits and navy uniforms, punctuated by the occasional flash of white handkerchief dabbing at tear-streaked faces. Family, friends, and fellow officers had gathered to pay their final respects to Billy, a good man taken far too soon.

Billy's casket, draped in the American flag, was carried in with a slow, solemn procession. Alessandro stood ramrod straight, his face a mask of stoicism, his jaw clenched so tightly the muscles throbbed in his temples. I saw the storm brewing beneath the surface - a roiling tempest of anger and grief that threatened to consume him.

As the casket was lowered into the ground, a soft tremor ran through Alessandro's body. Then, a single tear escaped, tracing a glistening track down his weathered cheek, quickly followed by another, and another. The heavens seemed to open up in response, the rain falling in a steady sheet, blurring the lines between tears and the downpour. A part of Alessandro had died with Billy, a piece of his soul buried beneath that cold earth.

I stood by him, my hand hovering awkwardly near his shoulder, unsure if touch or distance was the right solace. But Alessandro seemed oblivious to everything around him, lost in a silent conversation with the ghost of his friend. He remained rooted to the spot, his gaze fixed on the grave as if willing it to open and relinquish its hold on Billy. The rain intensified, drumming a relentless rhythm on the umbrellas held aloft by mourners, a mournful counterpoint to the sobs escaping from Rachel, Billy's wife.

"Come on, Alessandro," I finally managed, my voice hoarse with emotion. "Let's go home."

A muscle in Alessandro's jaw twitched, then he turned to face me, his eyes a smoldering inferno of grief and fury. "Miguel will take you back," he rasped, his voice raw with emotion.

"Let me stay," I pleaded, my voice barely a whisper.

Miguel, sensing the rising tension, tugged gently at my arm, urging me away. But I wouldn't budge. My gaze remained locked on Alessandro, my heart aching for the man before me, a stranger cloaked in the familiar shell.

"Please, Alessandro," I choked out.

He hesitated for a moment, his eyes searching mine. Then, with a nod curt and devoid of emotion, he turned and walked away, his every step a burden. Miguel, with a sympathetic glance at me, followed, leaving me alone with the grieving figure of Alessandro.

Hesitantly, I took a step forward, but Alessandro dropped to his knees on the rain-soaked earth, his head bowed. Tears streamed down his face, each one a silent testament to the depth of his pain. It was a raw vulnerability I had never witnessed in him before, and it broke something inside me. I longed to offer comfort, but he seemed encased in a wall of sorrow, unreachable.

As the rain continued its relentless assault, the last of the mourners filed out, leaving the cemetery an empty tableau of grief. Still, I remained by Alessandro's side.

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