14 - Passionate Retaliation.

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Why couldn't I hate him?

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Why couldn't I hate him?

It seemed impossible, illogical, even a bit crazy, but there I was, wrestling with feelings that shouldn't exist.

Alessandro, the very man whose actions had turned my life upside down, had somehow become someone I couldn't simply despise, no matter how hard I tried.

Instead of hatred, a confusing mixture of emotions clouded my judgment, making me question my sanity.

Was it Stockholm Syndrome that had me sympathizing with my captor, or was something even more incomprehensible at play?

Every attempt to solidify my feelings of resentment toward him melted away the moment I caught a glimpse of vulnerability in his eyes. The same eyes that once instilled nothing but fear were now causing an unexpected ache in my heart whenever I saw them well up with tears.

The world seemed to flip on its axis, turning my sense of right and wrong into a disorienting whirlwind.

It was confusing. Wasn't he supposed to be the monster, the villain in my story? Then why did I feel like I was in the wrong?

My inner turmoil was suddenly interrupted by a gentle knock on the door.

Pulling myself together as best as I could, I managed a quiet, "Yes?" before Mel's voice filtered through the small gap.

"Hey, I responded, my voice barely a whisper, as I shuffled back to the couch, trying to appear composed.

Melinda's concern was almost tangible as she settled beside me. "What's wrong , sweetie?" she asked, her voice soothing yet filled with worry.

I was at a crossroads, caught between the instinct to deny everything and the realization that I was a terrible liar.

"I... I'm just so lost," I admitted, letting a tear betray my attempt at bravado.

Her embrace was immediate, offering a sanctuary from the storm of emotions raging inside me.

"It's got to be so hard," Melinda whispered, understanding more than I had given her credit for, "admitting that you've developed feelings for someone from a world you've been trying to escape, especially someone like Alessandro."

The idea seemed absurd.

Me, in love with Alessandro? That couldn't be right. My heart rebelled against the notion even as my mind mulled over the unsettling possibility.

How could I, of all people, fall for someone so intertwined with the very dangers I had spent years evading?

My confusion must have been evident because Melinda tightened her embrace, offering silent comfort as I wrestled with my thoughts.

"Alessandro isn't what the rumors make him out to be," she murmured after a moment, her words gentle but firm. "People aren't always the monsters we paint them as. Sometimes, they're just trying to survive their stories, same as us."

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