white dress

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August 11th, 2006

Madeleine POV

This summer had already practically gone by, it kind of felt like a rush.

I had spent most of my summer just catching up with some friends, but also knowing that we'd also be saying our goodbyes to one another.

Most or all of us are going separate ways come Late-August for either college, university or gap year travels. None of our group were attending the same schools which kind of sucked.

Obviously I was upset, as I had no choice but to say goodbye to some good friends that I thought would always be in my life.

But life always moves on, and if they are meant to be my friend then they'll come back into my life. Well eventually, probably in the way distant future.

All of the goodbyes have been kind of making me reflect on what my dad used to say to us as young kids before his tragic death.

He would always say, "Life will out". Meaning that life will always find a way to continue.

I miss my dad a lot, I was only five years old when he passed. So I don't really remember much about him.

But Derek always made sure that Amelia and I had some form of memory of him.

Amelia and Derek were there when dad died, so they have a lot of trauma from that.

I mean who wouldn't, if you were a young child and watched your father get shot, you'd also have a lot of trauma.

But anyways, here I am sitting on a bench in Central Park. I was just waiting for my high school best friend to show up.

The one that I will always be close to no matter the distance. We made a promise to stay close, but as time moves on I know we may drift.

"Maddie?!", I hear my name get called out from the distance.

I smiled brightly when I saw my best friend Brooke come running towards me. I slowly stood up to be able to brace myself.

"Brooke", I called back out as she stopped running and calmly walked over to me.

"Oh my god, I'm so happy to see you. I was worried that your mom had already shipped you off to Baltimore", she says as she hugs me and I laugh.

"No I leave in a few weeks", I say and she sighs.

"When do you leave for Princeton?", I ask and she smiles.

"I'm going in the Winter, the program was full for fall start. So I'm staying back to make extra money until then", she says and I just look at her proudly.

Brooke never had the best life, she moved around a lot. Mainly from foster home to foster home. Up until she found a family here in New York that welcomed her in.

As long as she promised to go to school, make a friend and just live her life.

Which is how we became friends, we bonded immediately in junior year and have been friends ever since that day.

I always wished that she'd want to go to John Hopkins with me, but she told me that it wasn't one of her dream schools.

Which kind of sucks, but you know what it's fine.

We will see each other again and maybe that day, will be the day we work together in a hospital. But I can keep dreaming about that day, if it ever happens.

"I still can't believe you got accepted to Princeton", I say to her and she looks at me as if I just offended her.

"Dude not in a bad way or anything. I'm just so goddamn proud of you Brooke", I tell her and she smiles all giddily.

my rainbow x a.rDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora