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Five years later

Iris Kim

Iris fixed her crown before stepping out of the bed room. The sound of her heels hit the floor leaving a soft ring in her ear. She rubbed her stomach and smiled, most woman say baby number two is always the hardest but she's found it quite easy.

"Your Majesty." Eden curtseyed.

"Eden, where is my husband?" Iris asked.

"He's in the sunroom with Ivory." Eden smiled.

"I shall meet them then, anything on schedule for today?" She asked as Eden trailed behind her.

"Well your sister called, she wanted to know if you and Hong were set to visit them for Christmas this year and she's being urgent because Christmas is a few days away?" Eden asked.

Iris sighed as she rubbed her temples. She's been so busy she haven't realized how close Christmas was.

"Did Axel and Irene confirm?" Iris asked.

"Yes." Eden nodded.

"Ok good, tell her we will be there. Anything else?" Iris asked.

"No ma'am, shall I prepare to pack your bags? Christmas is coming soon." Eden said.

"Please, are you coming along?" Iris asked.

"Yes." She smiled.

Iris stopped as she looked at Eden before embracing her in a hug.

"You're the best, I still wonder why you are still here." Iris smiled.

"Well you guys are the closest thing to family." Eden said.

Iris smiled.

"You shall go out and make your own family. After this Christmas, I want you to take a few months off to be free." Iris said.

"Your Majesty I can't possibly do that, what about Ivory? I can't miss the birth of the second child." Eden shook her head.

Iris nodded as she rubbed her stomach.

"You will still stay at the palace but you won't have to be at my side 24/7 I want you to date. That's an order." Iris said.


"No buts Eden look at Axel, he still works for the king but is now married to Irene and they are having there first child." Iris said.

Eden sighed.

"Yes your majesty." She nodded.

Iris smiled before she continued to the sunroom, she leaned on the door as she looked at Hong Joong and Ivory.

"So wait Dad what is the difference between regular colors and primary colors." Ivory asked.

Hong Joong chuckled.

"Well they're both colors but primary colors can't be made with other colors." Hong Joong explained.

"Ohhhh." Ivory nodded.

Iris smiled before entering the room.

"What are you guys up to?" She asked.

"Hey mommy." Ivory smiled.

Iris giggled before wiping the paint off of her nose. Hong Joong smiled before standing beside Iris.

"What are you guys painting?" Iris asked before glancing at Hong Joong.

"Nothing special we're just mixing colors." Ivory shrugged.

Iris smiled as she watched Ivory continue to dig into the paint.

"How's my little man?" Hong Joong asked as he rubbed her stomach.

Iris laughed.

"He's active today." She smiled.

Hong Joong chuckled.

"Ivy wants us to come to her house for Christmas." Iris said.

"We could use a get away, you've been very busy these days." He sighed.

"I know and I'm sorry." She said.

Hong Joong smiled before pecking her lips.

"It's fine, I had ivory keep me company." Hong Joong smiled as he glanced at Ivory.

"We did good." Iris said.

"We did amazing my queen." He chuckled.

"Yes we did." She giggled.

Hong Joong smiled before Iris sat down. Five years really went by in a blink of an eye, Ivory was growing so fast. Now she was on baby number two, and thank god it was a boy.

She was four months along and Hong Joong tried his best to keep her from work but she didn't want to sit on her ass for nine months either.

"How about you go find a snack while mommy and daddy have a chat." Hong Joong suggested.

"Yes." Ivory squealed before quickly pecking his cheek.

"What about me?" Iris asked.

Ivory giggled before pecking Iris cheek and running off. Iris smiled before glancing at Hong Joong. She watched as he kneeled down and removed her heel before massaging her feet.

"How can you walk around in these things while carrying our son?" He asked in a chuckle.

"Beauty is pain." She laughed.

"How are you? I feel like we've both been busy we haven't had much time to talk especially with Ivory." He asked.

"I'm ok, I'm ready for Christmas. How are you?" She asked.

"I am good, can you believe it's been five years?" He asked sitting beside her.

"I was just thinking how the time has flown by." She giggled.

"Would you do it all over again?" He asked.

"In a heart beat." She smiled.

Hong Joong smiled.

"I love you." He chuckled.

"I love you more." She said.

Lift these past five years has been good, even though they are both busy there relationship has become better than ever. They both can now communicate there problem without arguing and make time with one another.

Life was good.

The end.

I completely forgot to give y'all an epilogue for this book. I'm late asf I'm so so so sorry.

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