Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Iris Quinn

Iris brought two wine glasses and placed them on the table before going to the kitchen to retrieve her homemade charcuterie board. She invited Charlotte over to talk and she wanted her to feel comfortable.

She heard a knock on the door and took a deep breath. She opened the door and smiled as she looked at Charlotte.

"Hey girl." Iris smiled stepping to the side.

Charlotte smiled as she entered.

"Hey, Chile I am ready for some wine." Charlotte smiled holding up a bottle of Chardonnay.

Iris laughed as she guided her to the living room. They sat down as Iris played some music, she placed the volume on low before placing her phone down.

"So how have you been?" Iris asked.

"I've been good, I've been seeing this guy but nothing to serious." She shrugged.

"Oop do tell." Iris laughed.

"His name is Anthony, we met at the coffee shop. We went on one date so far but things have been good. How are you and the prince?" She asked.

"Hong Joong and I are great, we've been busy. Between closing up my life here and spending as much time with my family...things have been hectic." She chuckled.

Charlotte sucked her teeth before taking a sip of her wine. Iris raised her brow as she also sipped her wine.

"Iris are you really doing this shit?" Charlotte asked.

"Charlotte, I love him." Iris said.

"Love? You've only known the man for eleven months." Charlotte scuffed.

"Why can't you just be happy for me?"  Iris sighed.

"You just met this man and you're already in love and now your about to get married and become a fucking Queen. I'm sorry I don't live in that twisted as fantasy like you." She snapped.

"It's giving Jealousy." Iris mumbled.

"It's giving gullible and naive." Charlotte said.

"You know what Charlotte. If you can't be happy for me then there's no need for us to be friends." Iris said.

"Are you seriously going to end our friendship because of some guy?" Charlotte asked.

"That guy is my fiancé and it's not because of him. It's because of you, not only do you think I'm stupid but you think I am not capable of making my own decisions." Iris said before standing.

"You're not I mean look at you, Queen? Bitch you're from Houston, Texas and you're black. Do you really think you would even make it there?" Charlotte chuckled.

Iris looked at who she thought was her best friend and nodded her head. She understood now, Charlotte was never her friend.

"Charlotte go fuck yourself. Get the hell out of my apartment." Iris said before opening the door.

Charlotte scuffed as she stood up grabbing her purse.

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