Chapter Thirty

775 44 18

Iris Quinn

Iris felt herself being awakened and opened her eyes to see Hong Joong, he smiled at her before moving her hair out of her face. She smiled before sitting up, she looked out the plane window and noticed they now landed, she seen multiple news vans and probably over a hundred people.

"Jesus it's a lot of people." She said.

"Yeah, it has been a year since I've been home. It'll be ok, let's get going." He said standing.

Iris nodded before grabbing her purse, he took her hand into his before walking to the front of the plane. The door opened and she watched as multiple cameras flashed before they placed stairs in front of them. Iris squeezed Hong Joong's hand causing him to look at her concerned.

"I'm scared." She mumbled.

"I'm right here, I promise nothing is going to happen." He whispered before pecking her cheek.

Iris took a deep breath before carefully walking down the stairs, Hong Joong waved at the reporters as they walked to the car. He helped her inside before going to the other side, once they pulled off she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"See I told you." He said grabbing her hand.

"It was fast." She giggled.

Hong Joong smiled and pulled her close causing her to lay her head on his shoulder. He looked out the tinted window as she listened to his heart beat, she glanced out the window and gasp. It was a beautiful sight, the pictures didn't do this country justice at all. You just had to be there, once the car came to a stop her eyes widen as she looked at the Palace.

"Wow." She gasped.

She felt her car door opened and looked at the hand that was being held out to her.

"Your Highness."

Iris grabbed the mans hand and got out of the car, she looked around the exterior with her mouth agape.

"This place is beautiful." She said walking around the car.

Hong Joong chuckled.

"Yeah It is nice isn't it?" He asked.

Iris smiled and nodded as she placed her palm above her eyes blocking the sun from her vision. She watched as multiple people lined up in front of the palace as they made there way up the stairs. Once they reached the top she looked at the line of people and smiled.

"Your Highness." They curtseyed.

Hong Joong nodded his head before grabbing her hand, leading her down the line of people she would be living with.

"And last but not least this is Eden, She will be your Courtier." Hong Joong said.

Iris looked at Eden and smiled before embracing her in a hug causing Eden to tense up.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Eden, I look forward to you being by my side." Iris smiled releasing her.

Hong Joong snickered before clearing his throat, Axel shook his head as he stood beside Hong Joong.

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