Chapter Twenty-Five

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Kim Hong Joong

Hong Joong rubbed his hands through his damped hair before grabbing a bottle of water, he watched as Iris slowed the treadmill down before stepping off of it. He looked her up and down before shaking his head, she was a sweaty beautiful mess and he loved it. It seemed as if anything she did turned him on, just her breathing made him hard.

"What's Xenovia like?" She asked.

Hong Joong raised a brow before grabbing a towel, he began to think as he patted his neck. He looked at Iris who was starring at him with low eyes.

"Um, Xenovia is a peaceful country. We have very nice and respectful's like a family but as you know family has problems as well. It's not perfect but it's not the worse place in the world." He shrugged.

Iris nodded.

"What about your family? What are they like?" She asked as she began to fold her legs.

"My family...they're strict." He sighed.

"Strict how?" She asked.

Hong Joong scratched his head before sitting beside her.

"They're very traditional, they like things to be followed by the book." He explained.

"Oh." She nodded.

"Yeah, like with the wedding I know my mother will probably try to control everything but don't worry you just put your foot down." He said.

"Do you think, your mother and father will be accepting of me?" She asked.

Hong Joong sighed before grabbing her hand.

"If I know my parents like I think I do, then no." He said.

"Will it be because I'm black?" She asked.

Hong Joong grabbed her face and caressed her cheek.

"Of course not, my parents are a lot of things but racist isn't one of them. They simply wouldn't accept you because I choose you. You're not from a wealthy family or from a well known family, they wouldn't accept you because to them you're an outsider and that's ok." He said.

"Is that so bad though?" She asked.

"No, I love you because you're different. You're the complete opposite of what fits a king, and I love that about you." He smiled.

"What if I mess up?" She asked.

"You won't no one would dare speak badly of the Queen." He said.

"Not Xenovians, but people outside of the country will speak freely." She sighed.

"All that matters is us." He pecked her cheek.

"I'm just nervous, we have what five months left?" She asked.

"Yes we do, but we are going to make these five months the best five months of our lives." He said.

"I have to pack and take all of my money out of the bank and quit my job and-"

"Everything will be fine Iris, don't stress yourself out." He chuckled.

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