Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Kim Hong Joong

Hong Joong quickly finished the last sentence of his report as he heard Iris anxiously tapping her foot against the floor. Once he was finished he surrendered his hands and looked at her as she let out a breath.

"Finally." She said.

Hong Joong chuckled as he removed his glasses, he stood up and grabbed her hand.

"Now you have me all to yourself." He mumbled.

He watched as she smiled before he took her hand leading her to their bedroom, he began to draw a bubble bath.

"What are you doing?" She asked peaking her head inside the bathroom.

"I am drawing us a bath, I want us to have a nice relaxing bath together." He smiled pulling her close.

"That would be nice, but guess what Irene smuggled into Xenovia?" She asked.

"Don't tell me-"

"Yes this woman smuggled exactly what you're thinking." She laughed.

Hong Joong shook his head as Iris pulled out a joint, he licked his lips as he looked at her.

"We have two choices, we can either smoke it or smoke it." She said.

Hong Joong laughed as he stood up.

"I say we pair it with a nice bottle of wine." He smiled.

Iris smiled before quickly running out the bathroom, Hong Joong chuckled as he lit candles and turned on some music before placing a tray over the tub. He began to remove his clothes as Iris came back with a bottle of wine and two glasses.

"Ok, I'm back." She said out of breath.

Hong Joong looked at her and smiled, Iris removed her clothes before getting into the tub. Hong Joong got in before sitting across from her. Iris smiled placing her feet on his chest, he looked down at her little toes and smiled.

"You have pretty feet." He said grabbing her foot.

Iris chuckled before grabbing the joint and lighting it, he watched as she inhaled before exhaling. She passed it to him before he did the same, he raised his brows before he began to cough. Iris laugh as she quickly poured a glass of wine passing it to him.

"You ok baby?" She asked.

"Shit is strong." He chuckled.

Iris nodded agreeing before leaning her head back, Hong Joong rubbed her feet as they enjoyed the comfortable silence.

"What do you think of Irene and Axel?" She asked.

"Their is something there." He mumbled.

Iris nodded.

"Yeah, when I become how much power will I have?" She asked taking the joint out of his hand.

"Just as much as me why?" He asked.

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