Chapter Forty-Three

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Kim Hong Joong

Hong Joong looked at his tux and smiled, he turned around and nodded his head approving before stepping out the dressing room. He heard his friends whistle and throw napkins at him before laughing.

"You look nice." San nodded as he looked at the suit.

"I always look good, but this is for the wedding." He said as he looked in the mirror.

"You are the first person I've ever known to have a two themed wedding." MIngi said before chuckling.

"Well happy wife happy life." Hong Joong said.

"We all know about that." Yun-Ho chuckled.

Hong Joong chuckled before changing out of his wedding tux and into his reception tux. He looked in the mirror and smiled, he rubbed his hands over the fabric and nodded before stepping out of the dressing room.

"NOW THAT IS HOT!" Jong-Ho clapped.

"I can't hate that is a nice tux jesus what fabric is that?" Seong Hwa asked as he looked Hoong Joong up and down.

Hong Joong laughed and shook his head before changing back into his regular clothes, he sat down as they went into the dressing rooms changing into their tux's. Once they came out he nodded his head of approval.

"I like this, this color brings out my eyes." Yeo-Sang smiled.

"You all look good." Hong Joong smiled.

Wooyoung looked in the mirror and fixed his shirt before facing Hong Joong.

"Yeah this is nice." He smiled.

Hong Joong chuckled before they changed into their reception attire. Once they came out Hong Joong stood up and clapped before whistling and tossing napkins at them causing them to laugh.

"Now Iris was smart about this two themed thing, not a bad idea." San said.

"I know right." Hong Joong smiled.

They changed into their regular clothes before sitting down and lighting up a few cigars.

"Damn, Hong Joong I remember when we use to run to the lake after stealing your father's cigars. My oh my how times have change." San smiled as he looked at his cigar.

Hong Joong smiled and nodded his head.

"Yeah, time has flew." Hong Joong smiled.

"Are you 100 percent sure about Iris?" Mingi asked.

"I've never been more sure about anything but this." Hong Joong said pulling from his cigar.

"I don't know her that well but I know she doesn't take any shit, Kimberly told me about what happen at the ball with Eliza." San chuckled.

Jong Ho rolled his eyes before inhaling his cigar.

"Well the ladies need to realize Iris is future Queen so all that nick picking will not work on her she will bite back." Hong Joong said.

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