Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Kim Hong Joong

Hong Joong rubbed his temples before placing the file down, he rubbed his hands through his hair before placing his head on the desk. He was so tired of reading this god damn manuscript for this coronation, it was next year so why did he have to memorize it now? He heard the door open and lifted his head to see Iris, He immediately extended his arms and opened and closed his palm...Iris giggled before sitting in his lap.

"You ok?" She asked.

Hong Joong sighed as he placed his head in between her breast inhaling her signature vanilla and coconut oil scent.

"I'm just tired and I am always exhausted." He mumbled.

"Well, Irene just boarded the plane. How about we go to the spa and have a chill and relax day no more coronation speech." She said.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes come on." She said standing up.

She grabbed his hand and pulled him up, Hong Joong looked at his desk and sighed before following her out the door. Everyone deserves a break because if he didn't take one he would suffer a burn out.

"This is what we both needed, no thinking of work or wedding talk or any of that shit."  Iris said as they got into the car.

"You know what would make this day even more relaxed?" He asked.

Iris raised a brow as she looked at him, Hong Joong smirked as he glanced at her.

"A joint." They said together.

"What's a joint?" Eden asked.

Iris and Hong Joong looked at one another before laughing, Eden gave Axel a questionable look causing him to shrug. The drive to the spa was short since it was on palace grounds, Hong Joong got out of the car and opened Iris's door before helping her out.

They walked in and got changed into something more comfortable, Hong Joong laid his back on the wall as Iris sat beside him.

"Better?" She asked.

"Better." He mumbled.

"Do you want to talk about what's going on in that head?" She asked.

Hong Joong looked at the ceiling before looking at her.

"I'm stressed." He mumbled.

"Go on, I'm all ears." She said.

"I don't want to let anyone down, I want to be a good King, an amazing Husband and a Wonderful father. I want to prove that I can do all three, but I know it's impossible and yet I keep trying." He sighed.

"It's not impossible, it is call balance. You have to be patient Hong Joong, you're not king yet and you're not a father yet either. Focus on being a great king and an amazing  husband that I know you will be. Stop overthinking it, you will be fine because I am here and I got you..forever and ever. It's ok to take a break, I am to be your Queen you can come to me about anything. How long have you been holding this in?" She asked.

"Just a few weeks, since the ball." He mumbled.

"I got you understand? You're doing perfect, don't ever doubt're amazing." She said squeezing his hand.

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