Chapter Sixty-One

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Iris Kim

Iris fanned herself as she began to pace, three minutes but it felt more like three hours. She sat down and began to chew on her nails, the waiting is what's killing her. She heard the beep come form the counter and sighed before standing up, she grabbed the pregnancy test and gasp covering her mouth.

"Iris, what does it say?" Irene asked knocking on the door.

Iris opened the door before sitting down.

"Iris." Irene said.

"I'm pregnant." Iris mumbled.

"I fucking knew it." Irene smiled.

"I'm scared." Iris said.

"Iris you have nothing to be afraid of, erase all that damn doubt right now." Irene said.

Iris sighed and nodded before smiling.

"Oh my god Irene there is a little life growing inside of me." Iris squealed.

"I know right." Irene squealed.

They hugged and began jumping around.

"Oh my god, I have to tell Hong Joong. Eden." Iris called out.

"Yes Your Majesty." Eden said.

"When is his majesty returning?" Iris asked.

"He should be back before noon." Eden said.

Iris nodded, Hong Joong was coming back home from his business trip which was perfect. Two days without him felt like hell, she knew getting pregnant this soon was unexpected but she was honestly excited.

"Ok Eden, we have to plan a last minute surprise. We need a banner, decorations, we need-"

"Calm down your majesty, we have time." Eden smiled.

Iris let out a breath and nodded.

"Ok." Iris said.

KIm Hong Joong

Hong Joong rubbed his temples as the car came to a stop, he was ready to see Iris. He missed her and phone sex was not cutting it, he was supposed to be home at noon but once he handled everything he needed to he jumped back on the jet the first chance he got.

He stepped out of the car as the staff grabbed his luggage, once he walked into the palace he seen Eden.

"Your Majesty, I thought you were coming at noon?" Eden asked confused.

"I missed Iris too much, I decided to come home a little early. Where is she?" He asked.

"Um, she's on the east wing." Eden said.

Hong Joong scrunched up his face confused.

"Why is she all the way over there?" He asked.

"She and Irene wanted to see...the view." Eden said.

Axel and Hong Joong looked at one another confused.

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