Chapter Sixteen

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Iris Quinn

Iris sighed as the banging on her door continued, it's been like this for the past few days. She stood up and sat on the sofa as she pulled her knees to her chest.

"Iris, open this damn door." Ivy spat.

"Ivy go away." Iris said.

"Iris, please. It's been two weeks." She pleaded.

"I just want to be alone Ivy...please." Iris said.

She heard the sound of keys before the door opened revealing Ivy and Ms.Sue.

"Thank you Ms.Sue." Ivy smiled.

Ms.Sue nodded before leaving, Iris stood up angrily before throwing a pillow at Ivy. Ivy quickly dodged it and looked at her like she was crazy.

"Iris." She said softly.

Iris looked at her sister before bursting into tears, Ivy quickly tossed her telfar bag to the side and embraced her sister. Iris hugged her sister tight as she cried harder. Ivy felt her heart sting as Iris let out frustrating screams and cries.

"It hurts so bad." She cried rubbing her heart.

Ivy grabbed Iris by the face and wiped her tears.

"Come on stop crying." Ivy sighed.

Iris sniffed as she wiped her face.

"Is this what love is supposed to feel like?" She asked sitting up.

"Love comes with hurt sis, it's just how life is...look I know you're hurting but Hong Joong is a good man." Ivy said.

"So you're on his side?" Iris rolled her eyes.

"I will always be on your side Iris, but the man lied about his identity to find true love. Did you stop to think about how it would be to be in his shoes?' She asked.

Iris shook her head no.

"I haven't." Iris mumbled looking down.

"Exactly, I'm not saying you shouldn't be upset or hurt because I would feel the same. What I'm saying is this is nothing compared to what other guys do or lie about are you really going to let him being a prince stop y'all at being something beautiful?" Ivy asked.

"If he would've been straight from the beginning I still would've loved him." Iris mumbled

"I know you would've." Ivy said rubbing her back.

"He's a prince though heir to the throne...I don't think I can handle the pressure of being his queen." She said.

"At the end of the day Iris, Love conquers all. I'm sure if you decided to get back with Hong Joong he will show you the steps of being his queen." Ivy said.

"I just need time." She said.

"Don't take to much time now, the man only has about eight months left." Ivy chuckled.

Iris also laughed and shook her head.

"Thank you Ivy." Iris smiled.

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