Chapter Fifty-Four

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Iris Kim

Iris watched as the Royal staff carried out their belongings. It was getting late and they have been moving things all day. She enjoyed staying in the Amber Palace, it wasn't to big or to small.

"Hey." Hong Joong said.

Iris looked at him before looking back at the staff. She hoped he didn't think things were cool, last night was still on her mind.

"Hey." She said.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" He asked.

Iris rested her tongue on the inside of her cheek before she looked at him.

"Sure." She said.

Hong Joong grabbed her hand leading her away from everyone and into the sun room.

"Tell me what's going on." He said folding his arms.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"The anxiety attack? We're not going to pretend that didn't happen." He said.

"We're not going to pretend like you being M.I.A for two-"

"IRIS!" He yelled.

Iris jumped as she looked at him, he's never yelled at her before. She looked at her feet not knowing what to say.

"Me being M.I.A. For two weeks is not what's important. What's important is your tell me what the fuck is going on." He snapped.

"I don't know, I'm about to be a very powerful woman soon and it's scary. I don't want to change...with that much power...people change." Iris said.

Hong Joong sighed.

"Come here." He said.

Iris walked closer to him before he pulled her into a hug.

"Every decision you make as Queen I will be right there. I will steer you in the right direction always." He said as he rubbed her head.

Iris looked up at him.

"Thank you, I get nervous when speaking in front of big crowds. It's scary." She mumbled.

"I know Love, listen to me we took vows I am here with you no matter what. Do you understand me?" He asked as he grabbed her face.

"I understand." She said.

Hong Joong smiled before leaning down for a kiss. Iris scrunched her face up and mushed him.

"We still ain't cool." She said.

Hong Joong sucked his teeth as he tried to pull her close.

"Actions speak louder than words." She said pushing past him.

Hong Joong began punching the air before calming himself down. Iris watched the staff load the last of their things into the van and smiled.

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