Jimin took my hand under the table, gently squeezing it to tell me that it's okay. But... he never held my hand like this before, so he's only making it worse.

'So, should I call you Angel or green noona?' His mom chuckles

'I suppose at this point I answer to both, so whichever you prefer.' I tried to smile, but I'm pretty sure I just looked constipated

'Angel it is.' She smiles. 'You're in the same class as Jimin, is that right?'

'Yes, ma'am.' I nod

Suddenly, a piece of food just flew past me, landing on Jimin's lap, and then Yujin died laughing.

'This occasionally happens.' Jimin sighs, calmy picking it up from his shirt and putting it on the table. 'He can't use the knife like a normal person and ends up flinging food by accident.'

'Noona, can you cut this for me?' He pushes his plate towards me a little, pouting

'Here you go.' I couldn't help but smile at him, cutting up his food for him, and he started munching on it right away

'I never did ask. How did you meet Yujin?' His mom asks

'At the park. I live in the street over, and Jimin ran into me at the park. And Yujin was with him.' I can't tell the woman the truth. I don't want to. Besides it being embarrassing, I'm sure it would trigger some memories.

'And they roped you into making them cookies?' She snorts, eyeing Jimin

'Technically, she offered to help. And they're not for us. Yujin needs them for school.' Jimin argues

'I could have done them, you know.' She says

'You work too much at it is. I was gonna do them, but it seems it's a lot harder than it seems. It's not in my skillset.' He chuckled a little

'Lucky you that she could help.' His mom tried not to smile, looking between the two of us

Talk about embarrassing.

'Mom, please don't.' He whines. But I agree. Please, don't.

'I didn't even say anything. But it's nice that you're thinking that way.' She is such a tease. Yujin takes after her 100%

'Mom, it's not like that, so can you please not?' He argues again

'I suppose I can pretend to believe it.' She snickers

Yujin started coughing next to me, making all of us look at him. He shoved something hot in his mouth and was burning himself.

I grabbed a napkin in front of me and put it under his chin. 'Spit that out, come on.'

He did as I asked him to, spitting the hot dumpling into the napkin, blowing out air.

'Drink this. Slowly.' I put his glass in front of him, and he started taking small sips, cooling down his mouth

'You really are a pigglet.' Jimin scolds him

'Better?' I pat him lightly, smiling at him

He puckered his lips, asking for my cheek. I suppose this is how he says thank you these days. He kissed me about 20 times while making cookies.

'You need to wait a bit longer, cutie. Okay?' I boop his nose

'Okay, noona.' He grins

His mom was in some state of shock. I guess she never saw him with me, so it's understandable.

'He's not like this even with me.' She scoffs in shock

'I told you. He is obsessed with her.' Jimin chuckles

'I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude.' I apologize

'No, no, I'm just taken aback. He is friendly, but not like this.' She smiles, then speaks to Yujin. 'Pumpkin, do you like noona?'

'Mhm. Mhm.' He nodded with his mouth full, his cheeks resembling a squirrel or a hamster, fully stuffed.

'Do you kiss noona a lot?' She jokes, looking at me then at him

'She said I could. She gave me and hyung permission to kiss her.'

Poor Jimin sank in his chair, covering his red face, while his mom was laughing, leaning back in hers.

'Yujin, I will stuff you like a dumpling. Stop talking.' Jimin scolded him without even looking at him

'Oh, I love having a young kid with no filter.' She was enjoying this too much. 'Apologies about this, Angel. But it's my obligation as a mother to embarrass him. I never even saw him talk to a girl, let alone having a girlfriend.'

I would laugh at her joke if her words didn't make me nervous even more.

'Mom, honestly, just stop. We're not together.'

Well, argue it a bit more passionately if you can, please.

'He-He's right. We're just friends.' I mumble in agreement, looking down to avoid looking at her

'Okay, okay, I'll stop teasing.' She chuckles

'I somehow find that to be untrue.' He muttered under his breath

'I should probably go. I have a few things to do before school tomorrow.' I just need to leave. Asap. 'Thank you for everything. It's been lovely meeting you.'

'No need for that. You are welcome here anytime.' His mom smiles

'Come on. I'll walk you home.' Jimin pulls away from the table

'It's- it's okay. Don't worry.' I panicked a bit

'It's almost 9. You're not walking home alone.' He argues, and I didn't feel like arguing in front of his mom, so I agreed silently

After Yujin hugged me to death before leaving, and I said bye to his mom, I finally got to step outside in the fresh air.

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