46 | wildest dreams

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chapter 46 - wildest dreams "let's get out of this town"HAECHAN▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞

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chapter 46 - wildest dreams
"let's get out of this town"

The hotel room door clicks shut behind me, and I'm finally able to breathe. The other guys pile in, their laughter and rowdy banter creating a thin veil over the weight of the day. I let myself fall onto the bed, exhaustion seeping into my bones.

I'll be straight with you – last night's sleep was a mess. That dumb phone call with Taeyong kept haunting my thoughts. Damn, I can't stand that guy, especially the way he talked about Arya, his tone dripping with malice. Honestly, she's the only thing that's been on my mind, and it's the reason I couldn't get a decent night's sleep.

I texted her last night, checking to see if she had gotten to Yoonah okay. To be honest, I didn't want her to go that night, but my pride got in the way. After I saw her face light up from Yoonah's text, I couldn't bring myself to ask her to stay. Truth is, I actually like Yoonah, more than her usual friend anyway, Iseul.

And I know she told me that she wanted to be with me when I had urges to do drugs, but the more I thought about it, I didn't want to spoil her fun or be any kind of burden to her. So even though I managed to control it myself, I may have left her on read. I know it's not fair, but Taeyong's words were at the forefront of my mind – she had truly gotten too close to me enough for people to notice.

The more I was letting her in, the more I was putting her in danger. So I'm putting distance between us, trying to shield her.

Despite being deep in thought, Renjun's piercing gaze doesn't escape me. He shoots me a look, one of those 'what's-your-deal' expressions and I sigh preparing for one of his rants.

"Why were you so cold to Arya in the lobby?"

I roll my eyes, nonchalant as always. "I wasn't being cold."

I don't like people poking around in my business, especially not the boys. They don't need to know every twist and turn of my shit. My life, my problems.

Renjun eyes me curiously, but rightfully so, he doesn't question me further. Knowing he's off my ass I feel myself relax from the interrogation. That is until my phone won't stop buzzing. Arya's texts just keep rolling in, and each one feels like a punch, reminding me of how things are falling apart between us. I want to shoot her a reply, let her know everything's okay, but I'm held back by this worry of us being close, and what that means for us, for her.

"Woah dude, who's sending you a whole ass novel?" Jaemin smirks trying to reach for my phone.

I scowl, putting it on silent and into my back pocket. Jaemin's always been sharp-eyed, and so curious about my life. I try to laugh him off, brushing it aside with a careless remark. Still, the guilt of each unanswered text is an invisible weight on my shoulders.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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