13| monster

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chapter 13 - monster"you can call me monster" ARYA▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞

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chapter 13 - monster
"you can call me monster"

"Are you threatening me?"

"Perhaps," Haechan shrugs. He reaches into the back pocket of his jeans and pulls out a cigarette. "Wanna run that mouth some more and find out?"

There was a certain unsettling coolness in his tone for someone that had just indirectly threatened a member of their staff, but I digress with a tusk.

"What's the big deal anyway? Why do I need to be so secretive that I saw you on the train?"

It was a genuine question. One that Haechan wasn't willing to answer-regardless I still couldn't figure out what the big deal was. I was telling the truth.

"Because I said so."

I roll my eyes. Lee Haechan was the definition of childish. "Are you five years old?"

"Are you? You can't even follow one simple instruction." Haechan retaliates, but I don't falter.

"Because it's dumb. Why don't you want Mark to know I saw you and Soli on the train?" I push with real curiosity.

Haechan grimaces before taking a step toward me, closing the gap between us. He did that a lot, almost as though it was his default intimidation tactic to back me into a corner.

This time was different though. There was a look in his eyes that bordered defeat, as he forced my back against the oak tree that was concealing us from the others. His jaw ticked with a level of anger that told me I was a splinter stuck under his skin.

I had finally rolled the dice and took my first step on his board. I was finally playing his game. And it was safe to say I had the upper hand-even if I didn't know why.

"How many times do I have to tell you to drop your fucking attitude and stop involving yourself in things that don't concern you?"

I plaster on a dumbfounded smile, "It does concern me though if you think about it, I'm the one who saw the two of you on the train."

"For fuck's sake, would you just forget about that fucking train?" He snaps with a powerful sourness in his voice.

"And what if I don't?" I ask, shrugging.

Haechan's entire face goes blank as if he had gone completely stone cold. The sides of his jaw going completely slack as his eyes sharpened, cutting wounds of animosity into my face.

"Are you really trying to find out?" He asks.

I knew he didn't want an answer, but the cards in the hand I was playing were telling me my next best move was a smart comment.

"Perhaps, maybe if I run my mouth some more I'll find out," I throw his own words back at him like the perfect challenge.

His nostrils flare. Then he's slamming his arm against the tree he had backed me against. I may have been putting on a strong front, but I couldn't hide the fact I jumped slightly at the contact.

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